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Can you perform witr salah during the adhan for Fajr?

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In a Nutshell:

Yes, you can complete your Witr prayer even if the Adhan for Fajr begins while you are praying. The preferred time for Witr extends until the break of dawn, not the start of the Adhan.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Can You perform Witr Salah During the Adhan for Fajr?
  • Misconceptions about Witr and Fajr Adhan
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Witr prayer is a beloved Sunnah prayer offered sometime during the night. Fajr, the dawn prayer, marks the beginning of the next Islamic day. Muslims often wonder if they can complete their Witr prayer if the Adhan for Fajr starts while they are still praying. This answer will look at the Islamic guidelines regarding this situation.


Quranic Verses:

The Qur'an emphasizes the importance of night prayers ([Qur'an 17:78]): Recite the Qur'an during the night. It is [generally] better for remembrance and purer recitation.


The Prophet (saw) instructed Bilal (RA), the Muadhthin (caller to prayer), to call the Adhan at night, allowing people to continue eating and drinking until the second Adhan by Ibn Umm Maktum (RA), signifying the actual dawn.

Scholars' Opinions:

Islamic scholars unanimously agree that Witr can be prayed until the break of dawn, even if the Adhan for Fajr is called.

the Question: Can You perform Witr Salah During the Adhan for Fajr?

The permissibility of completing Witr prayer during the Adhan for Fajr stems from a clear distinction between prayer timings and the Adhan itself. Here's a breakdown:

Preferred Times for Prayers (Awbaab):

Islam designates preferred timeframes for each prayer, including Witr. Witr falls within the night, which extends from sunset until the break of dawn. This concept of preferred timings is referred to as awbaab in Islamic terminology.

The Purpose and Timing of the Adhan:

The Adhan serves as a notification for the upcoming obligatory prayer. It's traditionally called around thirty minutes before the official start of Fajr prayer, allowing Muslims to prepare for the Fajr Adhan, which marks the beginning of the prayer time itself.

Therefore, hearing the Adhan for Fajr doesn't signify the immediate end of the preferred time for Witr. The Prophet (saw) himself instructed Bilal (RA) to call the Adhan at night, allowing people to continue lawful activities like eating and drinking until the second Adhan by Ibn Umm Maktum (RA), which signaled the actual dawn and the commencement of Fajr prayer time (Bukhari & Muslim). This practice demonstrates that Witr can be completed even after the initial Adhan for Fajr.

Importance of Completing Ongoing Prayers:

It's essential to understand that once you have begun a prayer within its designated time frame, you should prioritize completing it even if the Adhan for the subsequent prayer starts. Interrupting a prayer without a valid excuse is discouraged.

Early Performance of Witr is Encouraged:

While completing Witr during the Adhan is permissible, Islamic scholars encourage performing Witr in the earlier part of the night. This aligns with the spirit of night prayers and allows ample time for completion before Fajr approaches.

In conclusion, you can continue and complete your Witr prayer even if the Adhan for Fajr begins. The Adhan serves as a notification and the preferred time for Witr extends until the break of dawn, not the Adhan itself. However, striving to perform Witr earlier in the night is considered more virtuous.

Misconceptions about Witr and Fajr Adhan

The Adhan for Fajr signifies the end of Witr prayer time.

As explained earlier, the Adhan for Fajr serves as a call to prepare for the prayer, not the immediate end of Witr's designated time.

It is better to delay Witr until just before Fajr.

While it is permissible to pray Witr until dawn breaks, early performance of Witr is recommended as it aligns with the Prophet's (saw) practice.

What if the Adhan for Fajr is called early before dawn breaks?

Some mosques and communities give an early Adhan to provide additional time for preparation. Trustworthy and reliable signs of true dawn (subh sadiq) include horizontal light across the horizon and decreasing darkness in the eastern sky.

Doesn't continuing Witr during the Adhan disrupt the call to prayer?

Completing an ongoing prayer takes precedence over interrupting it. Muslims can listen attentively to the Adhan while remaining engaged in their own prayer.


Can I pray Witr after the Fajr Adhan if I miss it during the night?

While Witr is preferably performed at night, if missed, it can be prayed shortly before Fajr prayer itself (not during the Adhan).

What if I hear the Muadhthin recite something different in the Adhan?

Minor variations in the Adhan wording are permissible; you should continue and complete your prayer.


In accordance with reliable Islamic principles, Muslims can complete their Witr prayer even after the initial Adhan for Fajr.

The Adhan is a notification, not the definitive marker for prayer time and interrupting an ongoing prayer is discouraged.

The preferred time for Witr extends until dawn, with its early performance during the night being emphasized in Islamic teachings.

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