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Can you perform salah with shoes on according to Islamic law?

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In a Nutshell:

Yes, performing Salah with clean shoes is permissible according to Islamic Law. This practice is based on the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (saw). However, ensuring the cleanliness of your shoes is essential before praying in them.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background
  • Evidences
  • Permissibility of praying with shoes
  • Conclusion


Salah, the Islamic prayer, is a foundational pillar of Islam. Muslims are required to perform Salah five times a day while maintaining cleanliness of their body and clothing.

This answer explores the permissibility of performing Salah while wearing shoes, a common question among Muslims.

Background and Context

Importance of Taharah (purity):

In Islam, Taharah (ritual purity) is a prerequisite for performing Salah. This involves cleansing oneself from any impurities on the body or clothing. Muslims typically achieve Taharah through ablution (wudu) or full body purification (ghusl) depending on the type of impurity.

Practices of the Prophet (saw):

The Prophet (saw) served as the perfect example for Muslims in all aspects of life, including prayer. There are documented instances of the Prophet (saw) praying while wearing his shoes.


Hadiths on praying in shoes:

Narrated by Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri:

The Prophet (saw) used to pray in his slippers (khuffayn). (This Hadith establishes that the Prophet (saw) himself prayed while wearing shoes). (Bukhari)

Anas ibn Maalik was asked:

“Did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) pray wearing shoes?” He said, “Yes.” (al-Bukhaari, 386; Muslim, 555).

Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri who said:

“While the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah ta'ala be upon him) was leading his companions in prayer, he took off his shoes and placed them to his left. When the people saw that, they took off their shoes too. When the Messenger of Allaah finished his prayer, he asked, ‘What made you take off your shoes?’ They said, ‘We saw you take off your shoes, so we took ours off too.’ The Messenger of Allaah said, ‘Jibreel (peace be upon him) came to me and told me that there was something dirty on them.’"When any one of you comes to the mosque, let him look and if he sees anything dirty on his shoes, let him wipe them and then pray in them.” (Abu Dawood, 650).

One of the reasons why the Prophet (saw) prayed wearing shoes is to be found in the hadeeth:

“Be different from the Jews, who do not pray in their shoes or in their leather slippers (khufoof).” (Abu Dawood, 652)

Permissibility of praying in shoes

The permissibility of praying in shoes is based on established practices of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). However, there are important conditions and considerations to keep in mind:

Conditions for praying in shoes:

  • Cleanliness of the shoes:
    The shoes must be free from any impurities (najasah). If there is visible impurity on the shoes, it must be cleaned before praying.
  • Respecting mosque etiquette:
    It's important to be mindful of local mosque guidelines for wearing shoes inside prayer areas. Respecting the cleanliness and sanctity of the mosque is crucial, so removing shoes may sometimes be preferred, despite their ritual cleanliness.

Scholarly opinions on praying in shoes:

The majority of Islamic scholars agree on the permissibility of praying in shoes following the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw).


The practice of praying in shoes is permissible in Islam based on the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw), provided that the shoes are clean.

While generally permissible, scholars emphasize the importance of considering local mosque etiquette and customs to ensure the utmost respect for prayer spaces.

Ultimately, Muslims who intend to pray in shoes should ensure their shoes are free from impurities to fulfill the conditions of Taharah.

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