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Can you do wudu with socks on in Islam?

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In a Nutshell:

Yes, wiping over clean and thick socks during wudu (ritual ablution) is permissible under certain conditions according to the majority of Islamic scholars. This practice finds support in the traditions of Prophet (saw) and scholarly consensus.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Analysis of Wiping Over Socks During Wudu
  • Misconceptions
  • FAQs on Wiping Over Socks During Wudu
  • Conclusion


Wudu, the act of ritual purification, is obligatory for Muslims before performing prayers. It involves washing specific parts of the body, including the face, hands, arms, head and feet. This answer explores a specific aspect of wudu - the permissibility of wiping over socks during ablution.


Quranic Verses

The Quran emphasizes the importance of cleanliness while granting concessions (rukhsah) in specific situations:

...but if you are sick or on a journey or any one of you comes from the privy or you have touched women and you find no water - then seek clean earth and wipe over your faces and your hands with it... (Quran 5:6)

This verse highlights the concept of rukhsah, allowing alternative practices during travel or hardship.

Quranic Verses

The practice of wiping over socks finds root in the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (saw). Sahih Bukhari and Muslim narrate a hadith where the Prophet (saw) demonstrates wiping over his leather socks during wudu.

Scholars' Opinions:

The majority of Islamic scholars, including the Hanafi, Maliki and Shafi'i schools of thought, permit wiping over socks under specific conditions. The Hanbali school allows wiping over any socks while in a state of taharah (ritual purity).

Wiping Over Socks During Wudu

There are specific conditions for wiping over socks during wudu:

  • Clean and Thick Socks: The socks must be clean and thick enough to stand upright on their own.
  • Worn in a State of Taharah: The socks must be worn while the person's feet are already in a state of ritual purity (after performing wudu).
  • Wiping Over the Top: Wiping is done over the top of the socks, covering the area that would typically be washed during regular wudu (from the toes to the ankles).

The duration for which wiping over socks is permissible varies depending on the scholar's opinion. The Hanafi school allows it for one day and night for residents and up to three days for travelers.


There are some common misconceptions regarding wiping over socks during wudu:

  • Wiping over any socks is permissible.

Cleanliness is a core principle in Islam. This practice is only allowed for socks that meet specific criteria. The Prophet (saw) emphasized this aspect in a hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas (ra):

The Prophet (saw) forbade wiping over thin socks (khuffayn riqaaq) (Musnad Ahmad)

Hadiths also recommend using good quality, thick socks suitable for travel:

...wipe over the traveling boots (khuff) (Sahih Muslim)

  • Wiping over socks is obligatory.

Wiping over socks is a rukhsah, a concession granted in Islam to ease the burden in specific situations like travel or illness. The primary method of wudu involves washing the feet. Aisha (ra), the Prophet's (saw) wife, narrated:

The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to perform wudu while wearing his socks at home and while traveling. (Sahih Muslim)

  • Hadiths seem to emphasize washing the feet during wudu.

Hadiths primarily emphasize the necessity of washing the feet during wudu. However, scholars explain that the practice established by the Prophet (saw) demonstrates the permissibility of wiping over socks as an alternative when certain conditions are met.

  • This practice seems unhygienic.

Islam places great importance on cleanliness. Wiping over socks is a symbolic purification permissible only under specific conditions. The socks must be clean and put on after performing proper wudu (which includes washing the feet). Moreover, any impurity found on the socks necessitates removing them and washing the feet.

FAQs on Wiping Over Socks During Wudu

  • Can I wipe over other footwear (e.g., shoes)?

Yes, wiping over shoes is permissible during wudu under similar conditions as socks. The shoes must be clean, thick enough to support their own weight and cover the ankles.

  • What if my socks become unclean during the permitted duration?

If socks become impure (najis), they invalidate the wudu. One must remove them, wash their feet and renew the wudu.


Wiping over socks during wudu is a permissible concession within Islamic guidelines, rooted in the tradition of Prophet Muhammad (saw). While washing the feet remains the primary method, this alternate practice is allowed under specific conditions. Following scholarly guidelines, understanding the conditions and upholding hygienic standards are key to this practice.

Ultimately, Islam provides flexibility and ease during hardship. The practice of wiping over socks offers an alternative method for travelers, the sick, or those facing challenges while maintaining ritual purity before prayer.

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