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What did the Prophet Muhammad say about Jesus Christ?

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In a Nutshell:

The Prophet (PBUH) considered Jesus (Isa) a righteous prophet, the Messiah and a miracle-worker. He emphasized Jesus' virgin birth and his upcoming return to Earth. However, he rejected the Christian concepts of Jesus' divinity and crucifixion.

Jesus holds a significant position in both Islam and Christianity. Muslims believe in the Abrahamic tradition and revere Jesus as a prophet chosen by God (Allah SWT) to deliver a divine message. Understanding the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) perspective on Jesus is crucial for fostering interfaith dialogue and appreciating the Islamic view of Jesus' prophethood.

Islam and Christianity share common Abrahamic roots. Both religions believe in one God (Allah SWT) who sent prophets to guide humanity. The Quran, the holy book of Islam, mentions Jesus (Isa) with reverence, highlighting his prophethood and miraculous abilities.

Several authentic Hadith narrations convey Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) teachings about Jesus (Isa).

Here's a selection:

The Prophet (PBUH) said:

There is no prophet between me and Jesus (Isa), son of Mary. He will descend (to Earth) as a just ruler. He will break the cross, kill the pig and abolish Jizyah (religious tax). Money will be abundant to the extent that nobody will accept it in charity. (Sahih Bukhari)

This Hadith emphasizes Jesus' (Isa) future return as a righteous leader who will promote peace and justice.

The Prophet (PBUH) said:

On the night of my Ascension (Miraj) to the heavens, I saw Moses (Musa) standing in prayer and he was a tall, brown, curly-haired man. I also saw Jesus (Isa), a man of medium height and moderate complexion, inclined to be white and ruddy, with lank hair. (Sahih Bukhari)

This narration describes Jesus' (Isa) physical appearance but does not elevate him to a divine status.

These Hadith selections showcase the Prophet's (PBUH) recognition of Jesus' (Isa) prophethood, miraculous abilities and upcoming return to Earth. However, they also reject any notion of Jesus' divinity.

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