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What did the Prophet Muhammad say about dogs?

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In a Nutshell:

Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) teachings on dogs are multifaceted. While some narrations advise against keeping dogs without a purpose like herding or hunting, others emphasize compassion towards canines. Muslims should strive to understand these narrations in their entirety and make informed decisions based on context and Islamic principles.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Prophet's (pbuh) Teachings on Dogs
  • Misconceptions about Dogs in Islam
  • FAQs about Dogs


Understanding the Prophet's (pbuh) teachings on animals is crucial for Muslims navigating their interactions with the natural world. Dogs, in particular, occupy a unique space in Islamic discourse. This answer explores the Prophet's (pbuh) sayings (Hadiths) about dogs, aiming to provide a balanced and nuanced understanding.


Quranic Verses on Kindness Towards Animals:

Islam emphasizes compassion towards all creatures, including animals. The Quran (2:163) states: And there is not a creature on [earth] moving on its belly, or a flying creature flying with its wings, except [that they are] communities like you. We have not neglected anything in the Register. This verse highlights God's (swt) providence for all living beings, encouraging responsible treatment of animals.

Hadiths on Keeping Dogs for Specific Purposes:

Several Hadiths mention the Prophet's (pbuh) approval of keeping dogs for specific purposes:

Sahih Bukhari narrates that the Prophet (pbuh) allowed keeping dogs for herding, guarding property and hunting.

Hadiths Highlighting Compassion Towards Dogs:

Sahih Muslim narrates a story about a man who entered Paradise for giving water to a thirsty dog. This emphasizes the importance of showing kindness to animals, even creatures like dogs.

Scholarly Opinions on Keeping Dogs as Pets:

While some scholars restrict dog ownership, others, like Imam Abu Hanifah (ra), permit it with certain conditions, such as proper care and ensuring cleanliness.

The Prophet's (pbuh) Teachings on Dogs

Understanding the Prophet's (pbuh) teachings on dogs requires examining the context and purpose behind specific narrations. Here's a breakdown:

  • Differentiation between Working and Pet Dogs:

Hadiths permitting keeping dogs often refer to specific roles: herding livestock, guarding property, or hunting. These canines provided valuable services in pre-Islamic and early Islamic society. For instance, Sahih Bukhari narrates the Prophet's (pbuh) words: Whoever keeps a guard dog, a dog for herding sheep, or a dog for hunting, there is no sin on him.This indicates keeping dogs for practical purposes was permissible.

However, other narrations advise against keeping dogs without a specific purpose. Some scholars interpret these narrations as a way to discourage keeping animals that might impose a burden or pose a risk, particularly in resource-scarce environments.

  • Ritual Purity (Taharah) and Dogs:

Certain Hadiths mention dogs' saliva being considered ritually impure (Najis) in Islam. This concept of Najasah refers to substances that necessitate purification for ritual acts like prayer. However, Najasah does not equate to inherent uncleanliness. It is a practical measure to maintain hygiene during prayer.

Aisha (ra), the Prophet's (pbuh) wife, narrated that he (pbuh) said, The rinsing of a vessel that a dog has licked is to wash it seven times, one of which should be with sand.(Sahih Muslim) This Hadith outlines the purification method for utensils touched by dogs, highlighting the importance of cleanliness but not intrinsic uncleanliness of canines.

  • Angels and Dogs:

A Hadith mentions that angels do not enter houses with dogs or where there are jinn (invisible beings). This narration has multiple interpretations. Some scholars view it metaphorically, suggesting that the presence of unclean dogs, representing neglect or filth, discourages the blessings associated with angelic presence. Others suggest it might refer to specific types of dogs, such as those used for hunting which were sometimes trained to be aggressive.

Misconceptions about Dogs in Islam

  • All Dogs are Inherently Unclean:

As discussed earlier, dogs are considered Najis due to saliva, but this doesn't translate to general uncleanliness. Muslims can interact with dogs and keep them clean, following proper hygiene practices.

  • Keeping Any Dog Reduces a Muslim's Good Deeds:

Hadiths mentioning a decrease in good deeds for keeping purposeless dogs should be understood in context. It might refer to the burden of caring for an animal without a benefit or the potential for uncleanliness if proper hygiene is not maintained.

  • Keeping Pet Dogs Contradicts Islamic Teachings on Simplicity:

Some argue that focusing on pet dogs contradicts Islamic values of simplicity and detaching from worldly distractions. However, Islam encourages responsible care for animals and companionship, which aligns with having a pet under the right circumstances.

  • Potential Dangers of Dogs in Crowded Areas:

Dogs might pose safety concerns, especially in crowded urban areas. Careful consideration is required for living in such places and ensuring the dog is well-trained and does not pose a threat to others is crucial.

FAQs about Dogs

  • Can I keep a well-maintained pet dog in my house?

It depends on scholarly opinions. Some jurists allow keeping well-maintained pet dogs with specific conditions, highlighting proper hygiene practices. Others may discourage keeping dogs solely as pets without specific purposes. Consulting qualified scholars for personalized guidance is advisable.

  • What if I find a stray dog?

Showing compassion to animals is a noble act in Islam. Helping a stray dog by providing food, water and seeking shelter for it aligns with the Prophet's (pbuh) teachings on kindness towards animals.


Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) teachings on dogs offer a balanced perspective. While some narrations caution against keeping dogs without reason, others emphasize compassion and responsible care for animals. It's essential to understand the context of each narration and consider different scholarly opinions. Rather than focusing on restrictions alone, Muslims should uphold the spirit of kindness and compassion towards animals that permeates Islamic teachings.

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