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Why is Islam called Islam?

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In a Nutshell:

The word Islam originates from the Arabic verb salima, meaning to surrender or to submit. In an Islamic context, Islam signifies complete submission to the will of Allah (swt). This submission is not about compulsion, but about finding inner peace and purpose by aligning oneself with the divine will.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Exploring the Meaning of Islam's Name
Background: The Concept of Submission in Islam
Evidences: Quranic Verses and Hadiths on Submission
Historical Context
Breakdown of the Term Islam
Scholarly Interpretations
Submission and Inner Peace
The Significance of Islam as a Religion's Name
Misconceptions about Submission in Islam
Objections to the Concept of Submission
FAQs about the Name Islam

Introduction: Exploring the Meaning of Islam's Name

The very name of a religion often reflects its core principles and values. Islam, the world's second-largest religion, is no different. Understanding the meaning behind the name Islam provides us with a profound insight into the essence of this faith.

This article delves into the question: Why is Islam called Islam? We will explore the concept of submission in Islam, its historical context and the significance of this term as the religion's name.

Background: The Concept of Submission in Islam

At the heart of Islam lies the concept of Tawhid (oneness of God). Muslims believe in one all-powerful and all-knowing God, Allah (swt). Submission in Islam, therefore, signifies surrendering one's will and desires to the will of Allah (swt). This is not blind obedience, but a conscious choice based on faith and trust in the divine plan.

The Quran emphasizes submission in numerous verses:

Say, 'We have believed in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Descendants and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, andto Him we submit (Muslimun)'.(Quran 2:131)

This submission brings inner peace and tranquility, as it liberates believers from the burden of anxieties and uncertainties. Muslims trust that Allah (swt) knows what is best for them, even when things appear difficult.

Why Islam is Called Islam:

Historical Context:

Islam emerged in 7th-century Arabia, a society steeped in tribal rivalries and social injustice. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) preached a message of monotheism and submission to Allah (swt), offering an alternative to the prevalent social structures. The emphasis on submission in Islam provided a framework for establishing a just and peaceful society.

Breakdown of the Term Islam:

The word Islam comes from the Arabic verb salima, which carries meanings of to surrender, to submit, to find peace and to be secure. This etymology highlights the multifaceted nature of submission in Islam. It is not merely about obedience, but also about attaining inner peace and security by aligning oneself with the divine will.

Scholarly Interpretations:

Throughout Islamic history, prominent scholars have elaborated on the meaning of Islam. Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) emphasized the comprehensive nature of submission, encompassing one's beliefs, actions and intentions. Imam Al-Ghazali (ra) highlighted the importance of submitting one's heart and inner self to Allah (swt) alongside outward acts of worship. These interpretations showcase the depth and richness of the concept of submission in Islam.

Analysis of Why Islam is Called Islam (cont.)

Submission and Inner Peace:

Submission to Allah (swt) provides a pathway to inner peace and tranquility. When Muslims align their desires with the divine will, they experience a sense of calmness and contentment. This is because they trust that Allah (swt) knows what is best for them, even when facing trials and tribulations. The Quran emphasizes this connection:

Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah -unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allahdo hearts find rest.(Quran 13:28)

The Significance of Islam as a Religion's Name:

Islam is a uniquely appropriate name for a religion. It directly reflects the essence of the faith: submission to Allah (swt). This starkly contrasts with some other religions named after founders or locations. Islam emphasizes a direct relationship between the believer and Allah (swt), with no intermediaries or hierarchies.


Islam derives its name from the core concept of submission to the will of Allah (swt). This submission is not about blind obedience, but about consciously choosing a path that leads to inner peace, purpose and a connection with the divine. The historical context of Islam's emergence highlights its emphasis on building a just and equitable society. Etymologically, the word Islam carries meanings of peace and security, reflecting the benefits of submitting to Allah (swt). Scholarly interpretations throughout history provide nuanced understandings of this multifaceted concept.

Ultimately, the name Islam perfectly encapsulates the essence of this faith. It reminds Muslims to surrender their will to Allah (swt), a path that leads to inner peace, fulfillment and ultimately, eternal salvation.


Al-Ghazali, I. (n.d.). Ihya Ulum al-Din.
Ibn Taymiyyah. (n.d.). Majmu' al-Fatawa.

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