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Why is Islam the last religion?

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In a Nutshell:

Muslims believe Islam is the final revelation from God, completing the message of previous prophets and providing eternal guidance for humanity.

Table of Contents

Background or Context
Analysis of Why is Islam the Last Religion?
Misconceptions about Islam's Finality
Objections to Islam's Finality
FAQs about Islam's Finality


The concept of religion and divine revelation has existed throughout human history. Various traditions have offered guidance and explanations for the universe and our place within it. Islam, however, presents itself as the culmination of this process, the final and complete message from God for all humanity. This answer explores the reasons why Muslims believe Islam is the last religion.

Background or Context

Islam belongs to the Abrahamic family of religions, sharing the core belief in one God (monotheism) with Judaism and Christianity. These religions trace their lineage back to the Prophet Abraham ( ???? ?????? ), who established the foundation of worshipping the one true God. Throughout history, God sent messengers to different communities, each conveying a message of monotheism and righteous living. Judaism emerged through Moses ( ???? ?????? ) and Christianity followed with Jesus ( ???? ?????? ).

Islam emerged in the 7th century CE with the prophethood of Muhammad (). Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad () was the final messenger in a long line of prophets, bringing a message that completes and supersedes previous revelations.


Quranic Verses

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, emphasizes the universality and completeness of its message.

This is a Book We have sent down as a complete blessing, that you may reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding may remember.(Quran 2:85)
And We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], this Qur'an progressively, over a prolonged period.(Quran 3:84)

These verses highlight the Quran's comprehensive nature and its role as the culmination of previous revelations.

Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets. And Allah is Knowing of all things.(Quran 33:40)

This verse explicitly refers to Prophet Muhammad () as the Seal of Prophets, indicating the finality of his message.

Quranic Verses

Several hadiths (sayings of Prophet Muhammad ()) support the concept of Islam's finality.

The prophets are all brothers from different mothers, their religion is one and I am their last.(Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 3441)

This hadith emphasizes the unity of the prophetic message while highlighting Prophet Muhammad's () position as the last prophet.

Moses ( ???? ?????? ) came with the Torah and there were prophets after him. Jesus ( ???? ?????? ) came with the Gospel and there were prophets after him. Then I came and there will be no prophet after me.(Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 28)

This narration reiterates the finality of prophethood with Prophet Muhammad ().

Scholars' Opinions:

Prominent Islamic scholars throughout history have affirmed the concept of Islam's finality.

Imam Ibn Kathir (???? ????):Allah has perfected His religion for this Ummah (Muslim community) and completed His favor upon them and He has chosen for them Islam as a religion with which He is pleased and He has informed them that there will be no prophet after Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ????). (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Surah Al-Maidah)
Imam Ghazali (???? ????):The message of Islam abrogates all preceding religious messages. (Faysal al-Tafriqa)

These quotes demonstrate the longstanding scholarly consensus on Islam's finality.

This is just the beginning. if you'd like me to continue with the Analysis of Why is Islam the Last Religion? section.

Why is Islam the Last Religion?

The belief in Islam's finality rests on several theological and practical considerations:

Eternal Guidance:Muslims believe God, in His infinite wisdom, has provided eternal guidance for humanity. The Quran emphasizes God's message being unchanging throughout history (Quran 42:13). Islam, as the final revelation, embodies the culmination of this guidance, offering a complete and timeless framework for human life.

Universal Message:Islam presents a message for all humanity, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries. The Quran repeatedly addresses humankind as a whole (Quran 2:185). The finality of prophethood signifies the completeness of this universal message, applicable to all people in all times.

Perfection of the Quran:Muslims believe the Quran is the perfect and preserved word of God. Unlike previous scriptures, the Quran has remained unchanged since its revelation. This ensures the message's integrity and eliminates the need for further revelations. Prophet Muhammad's (??? ???? ???? ????) teachings (Sunnah) further elaborate on the Quranic message, providing practical guidance without introducing contradictions.

Addressing Potential Arguments:

How does Islam deal with the existence of other religions?

Islam acknowledges and respects previous prophets and Abrahamic faiths (Quran 2:285). However, the concept of abrogation (naskh) explains how some aspects of previous revelations have been superseded by Islam's message. The core message of monotheism and righteous living remains constant, but the specific practices and legal codes have been refined in the Quran.

Can there be new revelations after Prophet Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ????)?

The Quran's designation of Prophet Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ????) as the Seal of Prophets (Quran 33:40) is understood by Muslims as signifying the finality of revelation. The message is complete and the prophethood itself serves as a sign of God's mercy and the culmination of His guidance for humanity.

Historical and Social Implications:

The finality of prophethood in Islam has significant historical and social implications:

Closure and Definitive Guidance:Islam provides a sense of closure to the cycle of prophetic revelations. Muslims believe they possess the final and complete message from God, eliminating confusion and offering definitive guidance for all aspects of life.

Unity and Universality:The concept of a final revelation promotes unity and universality within the Muslim community. All Muslims, regardless of background, follow the same core message and teachings. This fosters a sense of global Islamic brotherhood and sisterhood.

This section has addressed the core reasons behind the belief in Islam's finality. We can now proceed to the Misconceptions about Islam's Finality section.

Misconceptions about Islam's Finality

Several misconceptions exist about Islam's claim to be the final religion. It's essential to dispel these to better understand the Islamic perspective:

Islam negates the validity of other religions.Islam recognizes the legitimacy of previous prophets and their messages. It acknowledges Judaism and Christianity as originating from the same divine source but considers Islam the completion and perfection of the message.

Islam is a new religion replacing older ones.Islam sees itself as the culmination of a continuous message of monotheism. It views itself as the completion of the guidance initiated with earlier messengers like Abraham, Moses and Jesus (????? ?????? ).

Islam's finality restricts further religious development.Islam encourages ongoing scholarly interpretation and adaptation within established principles. Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) involves continuous engagement with the Quran and Sunnah to address new situations and challenges, ensuring Islam's relevance in changing times.

The Quran is outdated and irrelevant in the modern world.The Quran provides core principles and timeless values. Its ethical and moral teachings, such as justice, compassion and environmental consciousness, remain universally relevant and applicable to modern life.

Islam is a religion only for Arabs.Islam explicitly rejects racial and ethnic superiority. The Quran emphasizes piety and good deeds as the basis for judgment, not one's place of origin or cultural background.

Objections to Islam's Finality

Here are some common objections to Islam being the last religion, along with counterarguments:

Scientific advancements contradict religious teachings.Islam encourages the pursuit of knowledge and reconciliation of scientific discovery with faith. Muslim scholars have historically contributed significantly to fields like mathematics, medicine and astronomy. Islam views scientific discoveries as revealing the intricate workings of God's creation, not contradicting divine truth.

The existence of other religious texts challenges the Quran's claim to finality.Muslims believe the Quran is the uncorrupted and miraculous word of God. Its preservation and linguistic excellence are seen as evidence of its divine origins.

Violence and extremism associated with some Muslims disprove Islam's message of peace.Islam condemns violence and advocates for justice and peace. It's crucial to distinguish between true Islamic teachings and the misinterpretations or distortions used by individuals or groups with political or ideological agendas.

The lack of female prophets weakens Islam's claim to universality.Prophethood in Islam is based on God's selection, not gender. While no women are considered prophets, Islam honors numerous female figures such as Mary ( ????? ?????? ) who are exemplary in piety and virtue.

Religious pluralism suggests all religions lead to the same God.Islam acknowledges the shared foundation of monotheism in Abrahamic religions but emphasizes the importance of following the completed and perfected final message of Islam to attain God's pleasure.

FAQs: Why is Islam the Last Religion?

Does Islam believe in the Day of Judgment?Yes, Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment, when all humans will be held accountable for their actions. This belief reinforces the importance of following the guidance of Islam.

How can I learn more about Islam?Seek out authentic Islamic sources such as the Quran, hadith collections and works by reliable scholars. Many mosques and Islamic centers offer introductory classes.

What are the core beliefs of Islam?The core beliefs include the oneness of God (Tawhid), belief in angels, revealed scriptures, messengers, the Day of Judgment and divine decree (Qadar). The five pillars of Islam - testimony of faith, prayer, charity, fasting during Ramadan and pilgrimage (Hajj) - are fundamental practices.


The Islamic belief that Islam is the final revelation is rooted in the Quran, the Sunnah and the scholarly consensus of the Muslim community. This finality highlights the completeness, universality and timeless nature of Islam's message, intended for all humanity.

While misconceptions and objections exist, a deeper understanding of Islam reveals a comprehensive worldview that advocates for justice, peace and spiritual growth. Islam's finality does not restrict development but provides a firm foundation for ongoing scholarship and adaptation to address the evolving needs of humanity within the framework of its unchanging core principles.


Ghazali, Imam, Faysal al-Tafriqa
Ibn Kathir, Imam. Tafsir Ibn Kathir

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