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How is it that Islam is an Abrahamic religion?

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In a Nutshell:

Islam is an Abrahamic religion because it traces its lineage back to Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim ???? ??????), considered the first monotheist. Muslims believe Abraham established the foundation of submitting oneself to the one God (Allah ?????? ??????), a core principle that Islam inherits and builds upon.

Table of Contents

Analysis of Why is Islam an Abrahamic Religion?
FAQs (Why is Islam an Abrahamic Religion?)
Misconceptions (Why is Islam an Abrahamic Religion?)
Objections (Why is Islam an Abrahamic Religion?)


Understanding Islam's connection to Abraham (Ibrahim ???? ??????) is crucial for comprehending its core beliefs and historical context. Islam, Judaism and Christianity are all referred to as Abrahamic religions due to their shared reverence for Prophet Abraham and his role as a messenger of God who advocated for monotheism. This answer explores the reasons why Islam is considered an Abrahamic religion, examining the shared beliefs and practices, the unique Islamic perspective on Abraham's legacy and the significance of this connection for Muslims and interfaith understanding.


Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim ???? ??????) occupies a central place in Islamic tradition. The Quran narrates his struggles against idolatry, his unwavering devotion to God (Allah ?????? ??????) and his pivotal role in establishing the Kaaba in Mecca as a sacred sanctuary. Muslims believe Abraham was a true Muslim (submitter to God) (Quran 3:67), embodying the core principle of Islam.


Several sources within Islam highlight the connection between Islam and Prophet Abraham:

The Quran repeatedly emphasizes Abraham's role as a monotheist who challenged idol worship (Quran 21:51-56).
It refers to Abraham as a friend of God (Quran 4:125), signifying his exceptional piety and obedience.
Prophet Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ????) said, I follow the religion of my father Abraham ( ???? ??????) (Sahih al-Bukhari). This emphasizes the continuity of the Abrahamic message in Islam.
Islamic scholars throughout history have unanimously acknowledged Abraham's status as the father of prophets and the foundation of Islamic monotheism.

Why is Islam an Abrahamic Religion?

While Islam, Christianity and Judaism share a common root in Abraham (Ibrahim ???? ??????), understanding the unique aspects of Islam's Abrahamic heritage is essential. Here's a closer look:

Monotheism:All Abrahamic religions affirm the existence of a single, all-powerful God. In Islam, this is known as tawhid, the absolute oneness of God (Allah ?????? ??????).
Prophets:Islam recognizes figures like Moses (Musa ???? ??????) and Jesus (Isa ???? ??????) as prophets and messengers of God. However, the Prophet Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ????) is considered the final prophet, bearing the complete message of Islam.
Revelation:Muslims believe in divine revelation, including the Quran and other scriptures of Judaism and Christianity.
Submission:Islam places heavy emphasis on 'islam', which means submission to God's will. For Muslims, Abraham embodied this through his unwavering devotion and unquestioning obedience.
Universal message:Islam views itself as the completion and culmination of the Abrahamic message, offering guidance for all humanity regardless of time or place.
Islam emerged in the 7th century CE, building upon the foundations established by earlier Abrahamic religions. Muslims believe that Islam restores the true monotheistic message that may have been distorted or lost over time.

FAQs (Why is Islam an Abrahamic Religion?)

How does Islam view other Abrahamic faiths?Islam acknowledges Judaism and Christianity as legitimate religions and terms their followers as People of the Book. However, it considers certain aspects of these religions to have deviated from God's original message.
Why does Islam emphasize its Abrahamic connection?By highlighting its Abrahamic lineage, Islam emphasizes its legitimacy and its continuation of the core message of monotheism and submission to God.
What is the practical significance of this connection?Understanding their shared origin fosters dialogue and bridge-building between Muslims, Jews and Christians.

Misconceptions (Why is Islam an Abrahamic Religion?)

Islam rejects the other Abrahamic faiths.Islam recognizes the legitimacy of Judaism and Christianity but believes that over time they have deviated from God's original message.
Abraham was a Jew or a Christian.Muslims believe Abraham was neither Jewish nor Christian, but a true Muslim, meaning one who fully submits to God's will.

Objections (Why is Islam an Abrahamic Religion?)

Islam's differing theology breaks the Abrahamic connection.While Islam differs in its understanding of figures like Jesus and the Trinity, it still upholds the core principles of monotheism and devotion to God shared with the other Abrahamic faiths.
Islam criticizes practices in the Bible/Torah.This critique is seen as a purification of the Abrahamic message, aimed at restoring its original monotheistic essence.


Islam's Abrahamic character is deeply embedded in its core beliefs, practices and understanding of history. Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim ???? ??????) is seen as a model of submission to God and Muslims believe Islam carries the culmination of his monotheistic message. Exploring this connection fosters not only a deeper understanding of Islam but also the potential for interfaith dialogue and collaboration with other religions within the Abrahamic family.


Sahih al-Bukhari (provide specific book number and hadith number where possible)

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