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Is Islam the oldest or first religion (deen)?

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In a Nutshell:

Islam is not the oldest religion in the world. However, Muslims believe it is the culmination of a long tradition of monotheism that stretches back to Prophet Abraham (as) and even beyond. The Quran and hadiths speak of previous prophets and revelations, highlighting the continuity of God's message throughout history.

Table of Contents

Background: Defining Oldest Religion
Analysis of Is Islam the Oldest Religion?
FAQs on Islam and Age of Religion


The question of Islam's age is a topic of interest for many Muslims. It is natural to be curious about the origins of one's faith and its place within the broader landscape of religion. Understanding religious history and development can provide valuable context for appreciating Islam's core teachings. However, pinpointing the exact oldest religion can be challenging due to varying definitions of religion and the complexities of tracing historical beliefs.

Background: Defining Oldest Religion

Defining both religion and oldest in this context requires some consideration. The concept of religion has evolved over time, encompassing belief systems, rituals and moral codes. Determining the oldest religion can hinge on whether we focus on the origin of specific belief systems or the idea of a continuous monotheistic tradition. Several contenders exist for the title of oldest religion, with Hinduism, Judaism and Zoroastrianism all having long histories.

Is Islam the Oldest Religion?

Historical Context of Religions:

Hinduism, with its roots in the Indus Valley Civilization, is considered one of the world's oldest religions. Judaism, tracing its origins to Abraham (as), possesses a rich historical tradition. Zoroastrianism, founded by Prophet Zoroaster, also has a long history in the Middle East.

Abrahamic Religions:

Islam is part of a broader family of religions known as the Abrahamic faiths. These religions share a common belief in one God and trace their lineage back to Prophet Abraham (as).

Islamic Teachings on Previous Revelations:

The Quran and hadiths speak of numerous prophets sent by God throughout history, each entrusted with a message for their specific people and time. These prophets include Noah (as), Moses (as), Jesus (as) and many others. Muslims believe the Quran to be the final revelation, confirming and completing the messages of previous prophets (e.g., Quran 2:85).

Scholars' Opinions:

Scholars have diverse views on the development of religion. Some emphasize the idea of a primordial monotheism that gradually became corrupted, with prophets like Abraham (as) reviving the original message. Others see religious development as a more complex process with various influences. Regardless of the specific historical model, most Muslims believe Islam represents the culmination of God's guidance for humanity.

Focus on the Message:

Ultimately, for Muslims, the focus is not on the age of a religion but on the truth of its message. Islam emphasizes the importance of worshipping the one God and following God's guidance for a righteous life.

Following the Latest Revelation:

The Quran emphasizes the importance of following the latest revelation (Quran 2:106). Muslims believe that previous messages may have been altered or incomplete over time, necessitating a final, perfect revelation in the Quran.

FAQs on Islam and Age of Religion

What is the significance of Abraham (as) in Islam?

Prophet Abraham (as) is a revered figure in Islam. Muslims regard him as the father of monotheism and a link to previous prophets. Abraham's unwavering belief in God and his willingness to sacrifice his own son serve as potent examples of faith and submission.

How does Islam view other religions?

Islam acknowledges the legitimacy of previous Abrahamic faiths like Judaism and Christianity, with shared origins in the Abrahamic tradition. While Muslims believe in the completeness of Islam as a final revelation, they are taught to respect people of other faiths and coexist peacefully (Quran 60:8). Islam also recognizes the validity of pre-Abrahamic prophets and their messages before eventual distortions occurred with time.


In a technical sense, Islam is not the oldest organized religion in the world. Yet, Muslims see Islam as the culmination of a long tradition of monotheism stretching back to the dawn of humanity. The focus lies in the continuity and finality of God's message, with Islam embodying the complete and perfect divine guidance for all humanity. The Quran and the Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) teachings represent the definitive reference point for Muslims, superseding previous revelations that may have been altered over time.

For Muslims, the question of Islam's age, while interesting, ultimately holds secondary importance. The primary focus lies in the truth, universality and timeless nature of its teachings, believed to be the fulfillment of God's perfect plan for humanity.


Brown, Daniel (2000). A New Introduction to Islam. Wiley-Blackwell.
Peters, F.E. (2003). Islam, A Guide for Jews and Christians. Princeton University Press
Esposito, John L. (1998). Islam: The Straight Path. Oxford University Press.

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