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Which religion is most Similar to Islam?

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In a Nutshell:

Islam shares many core beliefs with Judaism and Christianity, all being monotheistic religions tracing their origins back to Prophet Abraham ( ???? ?????? ). Muslims believe Islam is the culmination of God's message delivered through prophets throughout history, with Prophet Muhammad ( saw ) as the final messenger.

Table of Contents

Background and Context
Similarities between Islam and Judaism
Similarities between Islam and Christianity
Key Differences
Scholarly Debates
FAQs (Which Religion is Most Similar to Islam?)


Understanding the connections between religions can foster mutual respect and cooperation. This answer explores the similarities between Islam and other Abrahamic religions, particularly Judaism and Christianity. While each religion possesses unique characteristics, a closer look reveals shared core beliefs and values.

Background and Context

Islam, Judaism and Christianity are all classified as Abrahamic religions, signifying their common origin in Prophet Abraham ( ???? ?????? ). They share the concept of monotheism, the belief in one God. Each religion emphasizes the importance of prophets who received divine revelation and conveyed messages of guidance to humanity. These prophets include figures like Abraham ( ???? ?????? ), Moses ( ???? ?????? ) and Jesus ( ???? ?????? ). Additionally, all three religions hold sacred scriptures believed to be divinely revealed: the Quran for Muslims, the Torah and Tanakh for Jews and the Bible for Christians.


The Quran emphasizes the continuity of God's message throughout history:

Quran 2:87We believe in Allah and in what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Descendantsand to Moses and Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them and to Him we submit (in Islam).

Hadiths also mention previous prophets like Moses ( ???? ?????? ) and Jesus ( ???? ?????? ).

Sahih Bukhari, Book of Prophets:Narrated Abu Hurairah ( ??? ???? ??? ): The Prophet ( saw ) said, 'The most honored of the sons of Adam, in the sight of Allah, is Jesus, the son of Mary and his father was a man and (the most honored) is Abraham ( ???? ?????? ).'

Prominent Islamic scholars throughout history have acknowledged the connections between Islam and Judaism/Christianity.

Ibn Taymiyyah ( ???? ???? ) writes extensively on the shared Abrahamic heritage.
Imam Ghazali ( ???? ???? ) emphasizes the importance of recognizing the truth in previous revelations.

These evidences highlight the Islamic perspective on the relationship between Islam and other Abrahamic religions.

Which Religion is Most Similar to Islam?

Similarities between Islam and Judaism

Belief in One God:Both religions are staunchly monotheistic, with a strong emphasis on the absolute oneness and transcendence of God (Allah in Islam, Yahweh in Judaism).
Importance of Prophets:Moses (???? ??????) is a revered prophet in both traditions and Abraham (???? ??????), Isaac (???? ??????), Jacob (???? ??????) and other figures hold immense significance.
Ethics and Social Justice:Islam and Judaism share a strong focus on moral conduct, social responsibility and helping the poor and oppressed.
Shared Practices:Dietary restrictions (halal and kosher), circumcision and similar prayer rituals underscore commonalities between the two religions.

Similarities between Islam and Christianity

Belief in One God, Angels and Judgement:Muslims and Christians believe in a single, all-powerful God, the existence of angels and an ultimate Day of Judgement.
Reverence for Jesus (???? ??????):While Muslims view Jesus as a highly respected prophet and not the Son of God, he is a central figure in their belief system.
Importance of Scripture:Muslims view the Quran as the final, complete revelation, yet there's a recognition that the Bible contains elements of Divine truth.
Moral Teachings:Both religions advocate compassion, charity, forgiveness and social justice.

Key Differences

Prophet Muhammad and the Finality of Revelation:Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad (saw) is the final messenger and the Quran as God's final, uncorrupted revelation. This differs from Jewish and Christian beliefs as they do not recognize Muhammad as a prophet or accept the Quran as a revealed scripture.
The Nature of Jesus (???? ??????):Islam rejects the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and Jesus's divinity, instead viewing him as a human prophet of God.

Scholarly Debates

The Status of 'People of the Book':There are debates regarding the precise understanding of the term People of the Book'' (??? ??????) and its implications for interreligious relations.
Questions of Biblical Authenticity:Muslim and non-Muslim scholars discuss the extent of changes or distortions within specific Biblical texts.

FAQs (Which Religion is Most Similar to Islam?)

Should Muslims interact with people of other Abrahamic faiths?Yes, Islam emphasizes respectful dialogue and cooperation while maintaining one's core Islamic beliefs.
Can Muslims learn from scriptures of other Abrahamic faiths?Muslims recognize elements of God's past revelations in other scriptures but place ultimate authority on the Quran.


Islam, Judaism and Christianity, as Abrahamic religions, share a foundational core of monotheism, prophetic guidance, divinely revealed scriptures and a commitment to ethics. Muslims see Islam as the completion and the most comprehensive version of the same message that God revealed through prophets. Despite theological differences, recognizing commonalities provides a basis for peaceful coexistence, respectful dialogue and collaboration in pursuit of shared moral goals.


Ibn Taymiyyah [Scholarly works on the Abrahamic heritage]
Imam Ghazali [Scholarly works on the importance of other faiths]

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