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In a Nutshell:

Islam acknowledges the historical connection between the Jews and the land of Israel, as mentioned in the Quran and Hadith. The Quran doesn't explicitly endorse the creation of a modern State of Israel, but the issue is complex with various interpretations among Islamic scholars. Muslims believe in peaceful coexistence and upholding the rights of the Palestinian people.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • What Does Islam Say about Israel?
  • Misconceptions about Islam and Israel
  • FAQs


Understanding the Islamic perspective on Israel is crucial for Muslims navigating a complex geopolitical issue. The historical connection of Jews to the land and the contemporary situation involving the State of Israel and the Palestinians raise various questions. This answer explores Islamic teachings and scholarly views to offer a nuanced understanding of this multifaceted issue.


Quranic Verses

O My people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you and do not turn back from [fearing] and become losers. (This verse is mentioned by some scholars to highlight the historical connection of the Israelites to the land) Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:21)

And We settled the Children of Israel in a secure residence and provided them with good things of provision. And they did not differ except after knowledge came to them. Indeed, your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that about which they used to differ. (This verse highlights a period of residence for the Israelites in the land) Surah Al-Isra' (17:104)


The Prophet (pbuh) said: Jerusalem will be conquered twice. The first conquest will be a peaceful one, in which you [Muslims] will enter it with security, riding upon your mounts. The second conquest will be a forceful one. (This Hadith indicates a future Muslim connection to Jerusalem) (Sahih al-Bukhari)

What Does Islam Say about Israel?

Examining the Terms:

  • Israel can refer to the historical land associated with the Israelites or the modern State of Israel.
  • Jewish People have a historical and religious connection to the land.
  • Palestinian People have rights and a legitimate claim to the land.

Historical Context and Islamic Narratives:

The Quran and Hadith acknowledge the Israelites' presence in the land of Israel. Islamic narratives mention periods of Israelite settlement and divine favor. However, these narratives don't necessarily translate to exclusive ownership or political authority in the modern context.

Divine Promises and Inheritance:

Debates exist among scholars regarding the interpretation of Quranic verses mentioning the inheritance of the land by the Israelites. Some argue it's a conditional promise, while others view it as an ongoing right.

Scholarly Debates:

There's no single Islamic viewpoint on the legitimacy of the State of Israel. Some scholars accept its existence based on realpolitik, while others emphasize Palestinian rights and criticize Israeli policies.

Justice and Palestinian Rights:

Upholding Palestinian rights and ensuring a just solution to the conflict remains a core concern for Muslims based on Islamic principles of justice and equity.

Misconceptions about Islam and Israel

Islam inherently opposes the existence of Israel.
Islam, while prioritizing justice and human rights, doesn't explicitly call for the destruction of any state. Many Muslim countries recognize Israel, highlighting that the issue is political rather than purely religious.

Muslims have no connection to Jerusalem.
Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is Islam's third holiest site. The Prophet's (pbuh) miraculous night journey (Isra' and Mi'raj) began from Jerusalem, solidifying the city's importance to Muslims.

The conflict is solely religious.
While religious aspects exist, the core issue revolves around land disputes, human rights and national aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians. It's a complex political and humanitarian crisis.

All Muslims support the Palestinian cause in the same way.
Muslims have diverse perspectives on the conflict. Some prioritize diplomacy, others support various forms of resistance and others advocate for a binational state.

The issue has no bearing on Muslims living outside the region.
Muslims worldwide feel connected to the Palestinian cause due to Islamic teachings on solidarity, brotherhood and upholding justice.

Objections to the Islamic Perspective on Israel

The Quran promises the land to the Jews.
The interpretation of this promise is debated. Some scholars view it as conditional, while others apply it to historical periods, not necessarily justifying a modern state.

Muslims should prioritize solidarity with fellow Muslims.
Islam teaches compassion for all humanity, including oppressed people regardless of religion. Defending Palestinian rights doesn't negate solidarity among Muslims.

Recognizing Israel undermines Palestinian rights.
Advocating for a just solution acknowledges Israel's existence but demands the cessation of violations against Palestinians and respecting their rights.

The conflict is a distraction from more pressing issues.
Addressing one injustice doesn't preclude addressing others. Muslims are concerned about global issues alongside the Palestinian cause.

Taking a stance on the issue is politically divisive.
Standing for justice, even when politically challenging, resonates with core Islamic principles.

FAQs: What Does Islam Say about Israel?

Can Muslims visit Jerusalem (Al-Quds)?
Islam encourages visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque. However, some scholars might discourage it under the current political situation due to potential normalization of Israeli occupation. Opinions differ on this matter.

How can Muslims support the Palestinian cause?
Muslims can support Palestinians through advocacy, raising awareness about the conflict, donating to humanitarian organizations and politically engaging with their governments on the issue.

What is the role of international law in resolving the conflict?
International law provides a framework for a just resolution. However, its enforcement and implementation remain crucial challenges.

Should Muslims boycott Israeli products?
The decision to boycott is individual. Some Muslims support it as a form of nonviolent resistance, while others argue for alternative economic pressure tactics.

What does Islam say about peaceful coexistence with Israelis?
Islam promotes peaceful coexistence based on justice. However, a just solution is a prerequisite for true and sustainable peace between Palestinians and Israelis.


The Islamic perspective on Israel is complex and multifaceted. It acknowledges a historical connection of Jewish people to the land, the significance of Jerusalem for Muslims and the importance of upholding justice and the rights of Palestinians.


Brown, D. (2000). Contemporary Islamist Thought on the Question of Palestine and Jerusalem. In Charles D. Smith (ed.), Religion and Conflict in the Modern Middle EastNew York: University of Rochester Press.

Firestone, R. (1999). Jihad: The Origin of Holy War in Islam.New York: Oxford University Press.

Khoury, N. A. and Ateek, N. S., Holy Land, Hollow Jubilee: God, Justice and the Palestinians. London: Melisende Books.

Pipes, D. (1981). This World is not Our Home. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.

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