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Is zakat due on money you have lent out?

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In a Nutshell:

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam and a mandatory act of worship that involves giving a fixed portion of your wealth to those in need. This answer explores whether Zakat is due on money you lend out. The general ruling is that Zakat is wajib (obligatory) on loaned money considered a strong debt (high likelihood of repayment). However, there are some important considerations and scholarly opinions regarding the timing of Zakat payment and situations where debt collection seems doubtful.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Analysis of Zakat on Loaned Money
  • FAQs on Zakat and Loaned Money
  • Conclusion


Zakat is a cornerstone of Islamic social welfare, fostering financial purification and redistribution of wealth within the Muslim community. It is a compulsory charity levied on specific categories of wealth possessed by Muslims who meet the nisab (wealth threshold) requirement. This article delves into a specific aspect of Zakat - its applicability to money loaned out.


Quranic Verses:

While the Quran does not explicitly address Zakat on loaned money, it emphasizes the importance of fulfilling financial obligations and helping those in need.

Allah (swt) says in the Quran: "O you who have believed, fulfill [all] contracts" (At-Tawbah 60:7). This verse underscores the importance of honoring debts, including those you are owed.

Additionally, the Quran promotes social responsibility and assisting the less fortunate: "Let the rich man spend of his abundance and let him who is straitened spend of the means which Allah has granted him. Let each spend according to what Allah has given him. Allah does not burden any soul beyond its capacity" (Al-Baqarah 275). This verse encourages financial generosity, which aligns with the spirit of Zakat.


The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) established the foundation for Zakat on wealth in possession. Here's a relevant Hadith:

Narrated Abdullah bin Abi Aufa: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) enjoined Zakat on gold and silver, on what is extracted from the earth (minerals) and on crops. (Sahih Bukhari)

This Hadith indicates that Zakat is obligatory on wealth you possess, which can potentially include loaned money under certain conditions.

Another Hadith narrated by Ibn 'Umar (ra) mentions: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "There is no Zakat on a debt until it is collected." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

This Hadith suggests that Zakat on doubtful debts (where collection seems unlikely) can be delayed until the debt is recovered.

Zakat on Loaned Money

The obligation of Zakat on loaned money hinges on the concept of debt strength.

Strong Debts:These are loans with a high probability of repayment. The majority of scholars (jumhur) consider Zakat wajib on strong debts. Since you effectively possess the wealth through the expectation of its return, Zakat must be paid on it annually throughout the period the loan remains outstanding.

Weak Debts:These are loans where debt collection seems doubtful due to the borrower's financial situation or other factors. Scholarly opinions differ regarding Zakat on weak debts. Some scholars recommend delaying Zakat payment until the debt is recovered. Others may advise calculating Zakat on the loan amount but only paying it if and when the debt is collected.

Timing of Zakat Payment:

There are two main approaches regarding the timing of Zakat payment on loaned money:

Annual Zakat:This approach involves calculating and paying Zakat on the loaned amount each year as long as it remains outstanding. This ensures you fulfill your Zakat obligation promptly.

Zakat Upon Collection:This approach allows delaying Zakat payment until the debt is recovered. You would then calculate and pay Zakat for all the years the loan was outstanding. This method can be helpful if there are concerns about debt collection.

Ultimately, the choice between these approaches depends on your individual circumstances and risk tolerance. Consulting a qualified Islamic scholar familiar with your situation is recommended for specific guidance.

Collection Difficulties:

While Zakat is obligatory on strong debts, it's important to acknowledge the realities of debt collection. Islam discourages harsh debt collection practices and pursuing legal action against a struggling borrower might not always be feasible.

However, reasonable efforts should still be made to collect the debt while adhering to Islamic principles. Open communication with the borrower and exploring alternative repayment options can be helpful strategies.

FAQs on Zakat and Loaned Money

  • What if I lent money interest-free (Qard Hassan)? Does it affect the Zakat obligation?

Yes, even if you lent money interest-free (as an act of charity), the Zakat obligation still applies if the debt is considered strong and there's an expectation of repayment.

  • I loaned money to a family member. How should I approach Zakat in this situation?

The familial relationship doesn't necessarily exempt the loan from Zakat. You should assess the loan's strength. If there's a high likelihood of repayment, Zakat is still due. Communicate openly with your family member about your Zakat obligation and explore suitable repayment options if necessary.


Understanding whether Zakat is due on loaned money is essential for Muslims seeking to fulfill their financial obligations in Islam. The key points to remember are:

Zakat is generally obligatory on strong debts where you expect repayment. However, for weak debts, scholarly opinions differ regarding the timing and possible exemption of Zakat.

There are two approaches to Zakat payment on loans: paying Zakat annually or delaying it until the debt is recovered. Choose the approach best suited to your circumstances while remaining mindful of the spirit of Zakat.

Zakat calculations follow the standard rules of Zakat on cash. Consult a trusted Islamic scholar for personalized guidance based on the specifics of your situation.

Debt collection challenges should be handled with compassion and within Islamic guidelines. Explore options with your borrower to facilitate reasonable repayment without undue hardship.

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