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Is zakat due on newly received or paid rent after a year?

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In a Nutshell:

Zakat is obligatory on wealth that reaches the nisab (minimum threshold) and has been held for a full lunar year. This applies to rent received after a year if, when combined with your other possessions, the total value reaches the nisab.

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, a mandatory act of worship that purifies wealth and benefits the underprivileged. Muslims are encouraged to fulfill their Zakat obligations promptly and thoughtfully. This article clarifies when Zakat is due on rent received from tenants.

  • Establish regular prayer and give Zakat (Al-Baqarah 2:43)
  • Take alms (Zakat) from their wealth to purify them and sanctify them (At-Taubah 9:103)

Imams of the major Islamic schools of thought (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, Hanbali) all agree that Zakat is wajib on wealth that reaches the nisab and is held for a full lunar year. This includes rent received from tenants, if it meets the stipulated conditions.

It's important to differentiate between rent received and rent paid. Zakat is only applicable on receivedrent, not the rent you pay for your own residence.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

  • Concept of Effective Possession:Zakat is due on wealth you have control overfor a full lunar year.
  • When Does Rent Become a Possessable Asset?:Rent becomes a possessable asset upon full collectionfrom your tenant.
  • Zakat on Total Holdings:If the total value of rent received throughout the year, combined with your other wealth holdings, reaches the nisab and remains so for a full lunar year, then Zakat is wajib on the total amount.

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