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Can Muslims living in the West without knowledge of local poor people send their zakat al-fitr to another country?

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In a Nutshell:

Yes, Muslims living in the West can fulfill their Zakat al-Fitr obligation by sending it to another country if they cannot find deserving recipients locally. However, fulfilling the needs of the local poor is generally preferred by scholars.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background or Context
  • Evidences
  • Can Muslims Living in the West Send Zakat al-Fitr to Another Country?
  • Misconceptions about Zakat al-Fitr Distribution
  • Objections to Sending Zakat al-Fitr Abroad
  • FAQs about Zakat al-Fitr Distribution in the West
  • Conclusion


Zakat al-Fitr is a mandatory charitable donation distributed to the poor at the end of Ramadan. Muslims are obligated to give a specific amount of food staples or their monetary equivalent to ensure the well-being of those in need during the Eid al-Fitr celebrations. This answer explores the question of whether Muslims living in Western countries can fulfill their Zakat al-Fitr obligation by sending it to another country if they are unable to find deserving recipients locally.

Background or Context

Supporting the local Muslim community is a core Islamic principle. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) emphasized the importance of helping one's neighbors, as mentioned in the hadiths:

"The best of neighbors in the sight of Allah is the one who is best to his neighbor in terms of beneficial treatment." (Sahih al-Bukhari 1425)

"Whoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allah will remove from him a grief of the Day of Judgement. Whoever eases hardship for a struggling person, Allah will ease hardship for him in this life and the Hereafter." (Sahih Muslim 2582)

However, Islam also teaches compassion and solidarity with the wider Muslim Ummah (community). Many Muslim-majority countries face significant poverty and hardship.

the Question: Can Muslims Living in the West Send Zakat al-Fitr to Another Country?

There is no single, definitive answer to this question. Islamic scholars have differing opinions on the prioritization of local poor versus those in greater need abroad.

Arguments for Prioritizing Local Poor:

  • Hadiths emphasize helping those closest to you, including neighbors and relatives.
  • Fulfilling the needs of the local community strengthens social bonds and fosters a sense of responsibility.

Arguments for Sending Zakat al-Fitr Abroad:

  • The Quran emphasizes helping those in greatest need, regardless of location (e.g., Al-Baqarah 2:177, At-Taubah 9:60).
  • Some scholars argue that the concept of kinship (qarabah) in Zakat distribution can extend to the wider Muslim community.

Ultimately, the decision rests with the individual Muslim. They should consider the specific circumstances and ensure their Zakat reaches legitimate recipients through reputable charities.

Misconceptions about Zakat al-Fitr Distribution

There are some common misconceptions regarding Zakat al-Fitr distribution, particularly for Muslims living in Western countries. Here, we address two prevalent ones:

  • Zakat al-Fitr Can Only Be Given to the Local Poor.

While there is merit in supporting the local community, Zakat al-Fitr is not restricted geographically. The Quran emphasizes helping those in need, regardless of location:

"They ask you about what is lawful to spend (in charity). Say, '[All] good things are lawful [as charity] for those who believe and provided you spend [properly] from what you earn. And Allah is Knowing of your deeds.'" (Al-Baqarah 2:215)

This universality of charity is echoed in another verse:

"Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him and do good to parents and relatives, orphans, the needy, the neighbor who is near and the neighbor who is far, the companion and the traveler and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are arrogant and self-conceited." (An-Nisa 4:36)

These verses highlight the importance of considering those in dire need, even if they reside in a different country.

  • It's Better to Give Zakat al-Fitr Directly to Individuals in Need, Even if They Are Not Local.

While directly helping those in need is a noble act, there are advantages to utilizing established charities for Zakat al-Fitr distribution. Reputable charities ensure the Zakat reaches legitimate recipients efficiently and according to the specific requirements of Zakat al-Fitr, which include the type and quantity of food staples or their fair market value.

Furthermore, some scholars argue that giving Zakat directly to individuals might lead to social tensions or a lack of transparency in distribution. Established charities often have a more holistic approach, addressing not just immediate needs but also potential causes of poverty.

  • Local Charities May Not Be Trustworthy or Efficient.

While there might be concerns about the trustworthiness or efficiency of some local charities, it's important to not generalize. There are many reputable local charities in Western countries with established track records of serving the community effectively. It's essential to conduct due diligence and research to select a trustworthy charity that aligns with your values.

  • There Might Be a Greater Need for Zakat in a Specific Country Due to Extreme Poverty.

While it's true that some countries face dire poverty, it's important to remember that local poverty and hardship also exist. Muslims in the West should consider the needs in both their local communities and abroad. The decision rests with the individual Muslim and requires careful deliberation.

FAQs about Zakat al-Fitr Distribution in the West

  • How Can I Ensure My Zakat al-Fitr Reaches Deserving Recipients Abroad?

Choosing a reputable and well-established international Islamic charity is crucial. Consider factors like transparent accounting practices, their presence in the target country and their programs. Look for reputable organizations such as Islamic Relief or organizations focusing on specific causes or regions.

  • Can I Split My Zakat al-Fitr Between Local and International Causes?

Yes, you can split your Zakat al-Fitr to help those in need both locally and internationally. This approach allows you to fulfill the duty of helping those in your community while also extending a helping hand to those living in dire circumstances abroad.


The principle of helping those in need is fundamental within Islam and the obligation of Zakat al-Fitr allows Muslims to contribute to a more just and equitable world. While supporting the local community is commendable and encouraged, fulfilling the needs of those in extreme hardship, regardless of their location, is also consistent with Islamic teachings.

Muslims living in the West must weigh their options carefully when choosing where to distribute their Zakat al-Fitr. Prioritizing intention, seeking guidance from reputable Islamic scholars and carefully selecting trustworthy organizations can ensure a proper and effective fulfillment of this crucial obligation.

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