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Can zakat be given to a family fund to help the poor in Islam?

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In a Nutshell:

Distributing Zakat directly to a family fund is permissible only if the fund adheres to specific Islamic regulations to ensure proper distribution to the eight categories of Zakat recipients identified in the Quran. Giving Zakat directly to eligible poor family members is allowed under certain conditions.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Can Zakat Be Given to Family Members?
  • The Role of a Family Fund in Zakat Distribution
  • Misconceptions
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam, is a mandatory act of worship that requires Muslims to donate a specific portion of their wealth to those in need. Fulfilling this obligation purifies one's wealth and promotes social welfare by assisting the poor and vulnerable.


Quranic Verses on Zakat Distribution:

The Holy Quran explicitly mentions the eight categories deserving of Zakat in Surah At-Tawbah, verse 60:

"Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and the needy and those employed to collect [Zakat]; and for bringing hearts together [of those who have recently embraced Islam]; and freeing those in bondage; and those in debt; and for the cause of Allah (SWT); and for the wayfarer [stranded traveler]. [This is] an obligation from Allah. And Allah is Knowing, Wise." (Quran 9:60)

Hadiths on Eligible Zakat Recipients:

Several hadiths narrated by the Prophet Muhammad (saw) further illustrate who qualifies for Zakat. In a narration by Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (ra), the Prophet (saw) said:

"Zakat is not permissible for a wealthy person or an able-bodied person except one who works for it (i.e., is employed to collect Zakat)." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Scholarly Opinions on Zakat and Family Funds:

Islamic scholars generally agree that Zakat cannot be directly given to a family fund unless the fund operates according to Sharia principles. Imam Ibn Qudama (ra), a prominent Hanbali scholar, states:

It is not permissible to give Zakat to a charity or a person who pools it with the wealth of others, because the purpose of Zakat is to give it to the specific categories mentioned in the Quran. (Al-Mughni)

However, scholars also acknowledge the permissibility of giving Zakat to eligible poor family members who meet the designated criteria.

Zakat and Family Fund

Can Zakat Be Given to Family Members?

While supporting one's family is an exceptional act of charity in Islam, it is important to understand that Zakat has specific restrictions on who can receive it. Muslims cannot give Zakat to those they are directly obligated to financially maintain, namely their spouse, children and parents. However, under certain conditions, giving Zakat to other relatives in need, such as siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, or even distant relatives, is accepted if they meet the eligibility criteria.

There is a strong scholarly consensus on this point. For instance, the Hanafi scholar Al-Kasani (ra) writes:

"It is not permissible for a man to pay his Zakat to his wife, his descendants or his ascendants, because it is obligatory upon him to spend on them." (Bada'i as-Sana'i)

Imam Ash-Shafi'i (ra) similarly states:

"Zakat cannot be given to a man's children or parents, because it is a duty for him to support them."

The reason for this restriction is to prevent a person from indirectly benefiting from their own Zakat by relieving themselves of their financial obligations to immediate family members.

The Role of a Family Fund in Zakat Distribution

While directly giving Zakat to a family fund to support the poor presents limitations, there are ways in which such a fund can play a role within the parameters of Islamic law. To ensure the fund complies with Shariah principles, consider the following guidelines:

Transparency and Accountability:
The family fund should maintain transparent records of all Zakat funds collected and their distribution. This includes having clear procedures for identifying and verifying the eligibility of those receiving Zakat.

Focus on the Eight Categories of Recipients:
The fund must prioritize distributing Zakat according to the eight categories outlined in the Quran and ensure it reaches those genuinely in need. Any surplus funds can then be used for broader charitable purposes within the family.

Distribution Mechanism:
The fund should establish a reliable system for distributing Zakat that directly benefits the eligible recipients. This could involve direct cash transfers, providing essential goods, or covering expenses related to education, healthcare, or debt relief.


Any family fund can be used for Zakat distribution.
This is incorrect. Only family funds operating according to specific Islamic guidelines that prioritize the eight categories of Zakat recipients can properly distribute Zakat.

Zakat cannot be given to any family member.
While Zakat cannot be given to immediate dependents (spouse, children, parents), other relatives in genuine need qualify as Zakat recipients if they fall under the designated categories.

Giving Zakat to family members defeats the purpose of helping the wider community.
While helping the wider community is essential, Islam acknowledges the importance of supporting those in need within one's family circle, as long as the Zakat is given to eligible members who genuinely qualify. Maintaining strong ties with relatives, particularly those in need, aligns with Islamic principles.


Can I give Zakat to my poor brother/sister/nephew/niece etc.?
Yes, you can give Zakat to relatives who qualify under the eight designated categories and are not your immediate dependents. Your obligation to financially support your spouse, parents and children takes precedence.

What if a family member manages a Zakat distribution charity?
Provided the charity is reputable and trustworthy, giving Zakat to it is permissible, even if it's managed by a family member. The emphasis should be on the organization's adherence to Shariah principles in Zakat distribution.

Can I contribute to a family fund with Sadaqah (voluntary charity) instead of Zakat?
Yes, you can contribute Sadaqah to a family fund to support various needs within the family. Sadaqah has broader applications compared to the specific regulations of Zakat.


The issue of whether Zakat can be channeled through a family fund to aid the poor requires a nuanced understanding of Islamic regulations and scholarly opinions. While directly contributing Zakat to an unregulated family fund is impermissible, there are ways in which such a fund can play a role in assisting the poor while adhering to Shariah principles. This includes ensuring transparency, a strong focus on the eight categories of recipients and a robust distribution mechanism for Zakat funds.

Giving Zakat to eligible poor family members is permissible under certain conditions, demonstrating Islam's recognition of familial ties and obligations. However, it's essential to prioritize the specific criteria and restrictions governing Zakat to ensure this pillar of faith is fulfilled properly, bringing benefit to those most in need.

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