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Can you donate your zakat to your brother or other family member?

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In a Nutshell:

Donating Zakat to a brother or other family member is permissible under Islamic law, but only if they meet the specific criteria for Zakat recipients. These criteria ensure Zakat reaches those most in need, promoting social justice and fulfilling a core Islamic pillar.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Donating Zakat to Family Members
  • Misconceptions about Zakat and Family
  • FAQs about Zakat and Family Members
  • Conclusion


Zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam, is a mandatory charitable contribution that purifies wealth and benefits those less fortunate. Muslims are obligated to distribute a specific portion of their wealth annually to designated categories of recipients. This answer explores whether Zakat can be given to a brother, sibling, or other family member, considering relevant Islamic guidelines and scholarly viewpoints.


Quranic Verses on Zakat Distribution:

The Holy Quran outlines categories for Zakat recipients in Surah At-Tawbah, verse 60:

Alms are for the poor and the needy and those employed to collect [Zakah] and for bringing hearts together [to Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for the indebted and for the way of Allah (Islamic cause) and for the traveler [stranded traveler] - [This is] an obligation from Allah. And Allah is Knowing, Wise. (Quran 9:60)

Hadiths on Supporting Relatives:

The Prophet (pbuh) emphasized supporting close relatives while encouraging Zakat distribution. A Hadith narrated by Ibn Umar (ra) in Sahih Bukhari emphasizes this concept:

"Give charity (Sadaqah) and start with your dependents."(Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al-Zakat)

Scholarly Opinions on Zakat and Family Members:

Islamic scholars hold different opinions regarding Zakat distribution to family members. The four major Sunni schools of jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali) offer varying perspectives:

  • The Hanafi and Hanbali schools generally consider it impermissible to give Zakat to ascendants (parents, grandparents) or descendants (children, grandchildren) due to a pre-existing duty of financial support.
  • The Maliki and Shafi'i schools allow Zakat distribution to poor relatives, with the condition that the donor is not already obligated to maintain them.

Donating Zakat to Family Members

While Islam encourages supporting family in need, specific guidelines govern Zakat distribution. Here's a breakdown of who can receive Zakat from family members and the conditions for eligibility:

  • Eligible Family Members:Siblings, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, cousins can potentially receive Zakat if they meet the general criteria for Zakat recipients (being poor, needy and not already financially supported by the donor).
  • Conditions for Eligibility:The family member must demonstrate genuine financial hardship and not be someone the donor is already responsible for maintaining.
  • Zakat vs. Obligatory Support:Zakat differs from obligatory financial support for dependents like parents, children and spouses. The latter is a separate responsibility based on family ties.

Misconceptions about Zakat and Family

There are common misconceptions regarding Zakat and family members. Here's a clarification of two prevalent ones:

  • Zakat can be given to any family member regardless of need.

This is incorrect. Zakat has designated categories of recipients chosen for their specific vulnerabilities. While Islam encourages supporting struggling family, Zakat serves a broader social purpose, ensuring resources reach those most desperately in need.

  • Zakat is a way to fulfill financial obligations towards family.

Zakat is a separate obligation from the responsibility to maintain one's dependents. Distributing Zakat to family members who are already financially supported by the donor wouldn't fulfill the Zakat obligation.

  • Shouldn't charity begin at home, shouldn't family be prioritized?

Islam emphasizes both fulfilling Zakat obligations and supporting close relatives. The Prophet's (pbuh) Hadith encourages starting charity with dependents, but it doesn't negate the importance of Zakat distribution as mandated by Allah (swt). ??????? ( fuqara - the poor) and ???????? ( masaakin - the needy) encompass a wider range of vulnerable individuals who may be even more deserving of Zakat.

  • Doesn't this limit options for helping struggling family members?

While Zakat can't be used for those already under one's care, there are other ways to support struggling family members. One can offer personal assistance, provide gifts, or utilize voluntary charity (sadaqah) which has more flexible recipients.

FAQs Can You Donate Your Zakat To Your Brother Or Other Family Member?

Can I give Zakat to a sister who is struggling with medical bills?

Yes, if your sister qualifies as being among the poor or needy, meaning she genuinely has insufficient resources to cover necessary medical expenses.

Can a wife give Zakat to her husband in debt?

There are scholarly differences of opinion on this. Some scholars allow it, suggesting it could bring increased reward. Others deem it impermissible as a spouse already has financial obligations within a marriage.

Can I give Zakat to my brother who has lost his job due to the economic recession?

Yes, given that the job loss resulted in him falling into the category of poor or needy, making him eligible for Zakat support.

Can I give Zakat to my cousins who are students with limited income?

Yes, if their income is below the level required to meet basic needs. Student status alone doesn't automatically qualify them for Zakat; the crucial factor is genuine financial hardship.

What if a family member is too proud to accept Zakat?

Sensitivity is important. One may discreetly offer Zakat without specifically labeling it as such. Gifting money or providing assistance in other forms can also fulfill the spirit of supporting those in need.


Donating Zakat to family members is a complex issue within Islamic jurisprudence. While Islam encourages supporting relatives in need, Zakat functions as a specific tool with precise recipient categories.

Determining Zakat eligibility for family members requires careful consideration of financial need, familial obligations and guidelines set by Islamic law. Priority is given to those in most vulnerable states, whether inside or outside family circles.

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