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In a Nutshell:

The concept of lying is fundamentally incompatible with Allah's (swt) divine attributes, especially His truthfulness and absolute knowledge. Allah (swt) cannot deceive or utter falsehoods, as such actions would be a sign of weakness and imperfection.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Can Allah Lie?
  • FAQs: Can Allah Lie?
  • Misconceptions
  • Conclusion


Exploring the Islamic concept of Divine Attributes is essential to understanding the question of whether Allah (swt) can lie. This inquiry holds significant weight, as it touches upon the very essence of Allah's (swt) perfect nature and our understanding of Him.

Background and Context

The importance of Divine truthfulness is paramount in Islam. Allah (swt) is referred to as Al-Haqq (The Truth)throughout the Quran (swt), highlighting His absolute truthfulness and faithfulness to His promises. This attribute forms the bedrock of faith, as Muslims believe in and rely upon Allah's (swt) unwavering truth.


The Quran (swt) and hadiths (sahih) provide ample evidence that affirms Allah's (swt) truthfulness:

  • Quran (swt) 2:286: Allah - there is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. (This verse establishes Allah's (swt) self-sufficiency and negates any need for deception)
  • Quran (swt) 3:3: Allah is Witness over all things. (This verse emphasizes Allah's (swt) all-encompassing knowledge, encompassing all truth)
  • Quran (swt) 16:105: And Allah does not guide a deliberately deviating people. (This verse underlines that Allah (swt) guides towards truth, not falsehood)

Furthermore, hadiths (sahih) reinforce this concept:

  • Sahih al-Bukhari: Verily, Allah (swt) is truthful (Siddiq) and He accepts the truth (Sidq). (This hadith (sahih) highlights truthfulness as a core attribute of Allah (swt))
  • Sahih Muslim:Allah (swt) does not joke (laa yalha)." (Lying often involves jest, incompatible with Allah's (swt) seriousness and majesty)

These evidences collectively demonstrate the Islamic perspective that Allah (swt) is above lying and deception.

Can Allah Lie?

Defining Lying:

It's crucial to differentiate between lying and divine testing. Human lying involves a deliberate act to mislead or create a false impression. In contrast, Allah (swt) may place challenges or withhold information for reasons beyond our comprehension, serving a greater purpose within His (swt) divine plan.

Opposing Views:

Allah (swt) Can Do Anything, Including Lying

This view fails to grasp the Islamic concept of divine omnipotence. Allah's (swt) power is not absolute in the sense that He can do illogical or contradictory things. His power is exercised with perfect wisdom and justice.

Scholarly Consensus:

Prominent Islamic scholars throughout history have emphasized Allah's (swt) attribute of Al-Siddiq (The Truthful).

Imam al-Ghazali (ra):It is impossible for Allah (swt) to speak a falsehood...because falsehood arises from weakness, ignorance, or a desire to deceive.

FAQs: Can Allah Lie?

Can Allah (swt) change His (swt) mind?

Allah's (swt) divine will and knowledge are perfect and unchanging. Changes in circumstances may appear as a change of mind from a limited human perspective, but this is simply the manifestation of His (swt) eternal plan.

How do we reconcile divine power with evil in the world?

Allah (swt), in His (swt) wisdom, allows free will for humanity. Evil exists as a consequence of choices, but ultimately, divine judgment will prevail.


Allah (swt) tests people by deceiving His (swt) creation.This misconception conflates testing with lying. Divine tests provide opportunities for growth and spiritual development. Allah (swt) may withhold information or present challenges as part of a larger plan, but not with the intention to deceive.

There are metaphorical interpretations of lying in the Quran (swt).While some Quranic verses may use linguistic devices like metaphors, this does not diminish Allah's (swt) absolute truthfulness. The core meaning remains clear: Allah (swt) does not engage in intentional falsehood.

Some verses mention Divine deception (e.g., ruse of war).These instances refer to strategic maneuvers that outsmart opponents, not actual lying. Such actions serve a just cause and align with Allah's (swt) attribute of wisdom.

If everything is predestined, does that negate free will?Allah's (swt) knowledge of human choices does not remove individual responsibility. We are given the freedom to make choices and divine knowledge encompasses the consequences of those choices.


In Islam, Allah's (swt) truthfulness is a cornerstone of belief. It is an attribute that reflects His (swt) perfection, trustworthiness and steadfastness. Lying, in its essence, contradicts His divine nature. The notion that Allah (swt) could lie is incompatible with the vast theological teachings within Islam.


Ghazali, al-Imam. Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din (The Revival of the Religious Sciences).

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