in category Allah (God)

Is Allah always present with us?

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In a Nutshell:

Yes, Allah is ever-present with His servants, encompassing them with His knowledge, love and power. This constant companionship provides comfort, strength and guidance throughout life's trials.

Table of Contents

  • In a Nutshell
  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Is Allah Always With Me?
  • Misconceptions about Allah's Presence
  • Objections to Feeling Allah's Presence
  • FAQs about Allah Always Being With Us
  • Conclusion


For Muslims, faith is not merely an intellectual concept. Instead, it is a deeply personal experience interwoven with a profound awareness of Allah's (swt) omnipresence. This question "Is Allah always with me?" represents a heartfelt inquiry. The answer is unequivocal: yes. Islam teaches that Allah (swt) encompasses His servants in His knowledge, love and protection. This belief instills comfort, strength and resilience during both joy and adversity.


Quranic Verses

The Quran has multiple with verses affirming Allah's (swt) nearness:

And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein (Quran 50: 16).

Andwhen My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed, I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me (Quran 2: 186).

It is He who is Allah in the heavens and Allah on Earth. And He is the Wise, the Knowing (Quran 43: 84).

There is no private conversation of three, but that He is the fourth of them, nor are there five, but that He is the sixth of them - and no less than that and no more except that He is with themwherever they may be..." (Quran 58: 7)


The Prophet's (pbuh) sayings reinforce the Quranic message:

Allah (swt) says: 'I am as My servant thinks I am... I am with him when he mentions Me. If he mentions Me to himself, I mention him to Myself; and if he mentions Me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly greater than it...'(Sahih al-Bukhari)

"The closest any servant is to his Lord is during prostration. So increase in supplication then" (Sahih Muslim)

Companions' Opinions

The Prophet's (pbuh) companions (ra) deeply understood Allah's (swt) closeness.

  • Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (ra): He knows what is within myself more than I myself do.
  • Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra): O Allah, I seek refuge in Your pleasure from Your anger and in Your forgiveness from Your punishment and in You from You.
  • Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra): O Allah, truly You are ever-present, all-seeing. You encompass all things, having power over all things.

Traditional Scholars' Quotes

Throughout Islamic history, renowned scholars have elucidated the concept of Allah's (swt) presence:

  • Imam al-Ghazali: Know that Allah is with you wherever you are. He sees your outer and inner states. He knows your secrets and what you disclose.
  • Ibn Taymiyyah: The nearness of Allah to His creation is not a nearness of distance or physical attachment. Rather, it is the nearness of knowledge, influence and power.
  • Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya: The heart finds true peace only in the remembrance of Allah and in being close to Him.
  • Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani: When you feel alone and distressed, remember that Allah is nearer to you than your own self

Is Allah Always With Me?

The Quran, Sunnah and words of the righteous predecessors leave no doubt that Allah (swt) is eternally present with His servants. Yet, this closeness does not imply physical proximity. Allah (swt) is transcendent, existing beyond the constraints of space and time.

Allah's (swt) omnipresence manifests in various ways:

  • Knowledge: He knows our every thought, inclination and deed - both overt and concealed.
  • Providence: He sustains and safeguards us at every moment. Nothing occurs without His will and permission.
  • Guidance: He illuminates our hearts with faith and directs us towards righteousness.
  • Mercy: His love and compassion are boundless. He forgives our transgressions and answers our prayers.

Understanding Allah's (swt) presence compels us to live with heightened consciousness, strive for excellence and find solace in His remembrance. It instills an abiding sense of peace, knowing we are never truly alone, even in life's darkest hours.

5 Misconceptions about Allah's Presence

  • Allah (swt) is only present in mosques and holy sites.While spiritual experiences may be intensified in such places, Allah's (swt) presence is not confined to any specific location.
  • Allah (swt) is only close to the righteous.Allah's (swt) mercy encompasses all. Even those who err may find solace and guidance by turning sincerely towards Him.
  • Feeling Allah's (swt) presence requires extraordinary spiritual states.While spiritual endeavors deepen the connection, Allah's (swt) nearness is fundamentally accessible to every believer through remembrance, supplication and good deeds.
  • Allah's (swt) presence implies constant ease and comfort.Hardships are woven into the fabric of human existence. Yet, Allah's (swt) presence provides the strength to face those trials with resilience and trust in His divine plan.
  • Allah's (swt) presence means He directly controls our actions.We are granted free will and Allah (swt) holds us accountable for our choices. However, His guidance and support are always available to those who seek them.

5 Objections to Feeling Allah's Presence

  • I pray, but I don't feel Allah's (swt) nearness: Cultivating a deep connection with Allah (swt) takes time and effort. Consistency in prayers, devotional acts and reflection strengthens this bond.
  • Suffering makes me doubt Allah's (swt) presence: Trials are part of life, testing our faith. Allah (swt) promises that with hardship comes ease. Patience and reliance on Him lead to spiritual growth.
  • My sins make me unworthy of Allah's (swt) nearness: Allah's (swt) mercy exceeds all sins. Sincere repentance and a resolve to change opens the door to forgiveness and closeness to Him.
  • I'm too distracted to focus on Allah (swt): Modern life is filled with distractions. Carve out dedicated time for remembrance of Allah (swt), be it through prayer, Quran recitation, or quiet contemplation.
  • I don't understand how Allah (swt) can be with everyone at once: "Allah's (swt) nature is beyond human comprehension. Trust His promise of being near, even if the mechanics remain a mystery.

FAQs: Is Allah Always With Me?

  • Can I speak to Allah (swt) directly and will He hear me? Yes, Allah (swt) hears every supplication, even whispers of the heart. Speak to Him with sincerity and trust, at any time, in any situation.
  • Does feeling distant from Allah (swt) mean I have weak faith? Fluctuations in spiritual states are natural. Continue striving and seeking knowledge to strengthen your connection with Allah (swt).
  • How can I increase my awareness of Allah's (swt) presence in daily life? Frequent remembrance of Allah (swt) through dhikr, mindful prayer and reflection on His creation can enhance the sense of His nearness.
  • What if I commit sins? Does that cut off Allah's (swt) presence from me? Sins create a barrier between us and Allah (swt). However, sincere repentance and seeking forgiveness restores the connection.
  • What are the practical benefits of believing Allah (swt) is always with me? This belief provides solace in difficulty, strength against temptation, motivation to act righteously and deep, abiding peace.


The Quran, the Sunnah and the wisdom of generations of Islamic scholars unequivocally affirm that Allah (swt) is always with us. This knowledge is a source of profound comfort, strength and inspiration. It instills the conviction that we are never truly isolated, even in our most vulnerable moments.

Living with an awareness of Allah's (swt) omnipresence shapes our hearts, minds and actions. The realization that He knows our innermost states encourages sincerity, introspection and a desire to grow. Trust in His divine plan fosters resilience through uncertainty and hardship, guiding us to perceive the blessings within challenges.

The belief that Allah (swt) is always near motivates us to strive for moral excellence. The desire to align ourselves with His attributes of mercy, compassion and justice inspires acts of kindness, generosity and advocacy. Ultimately, the sense of Allah's (swt) close companionship offers boundless peace, knowing that we are eternally loved and guided by the One who created and sustains us.

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