in category Qur'an

Why does the Qur'an say "we" when there is only one God?

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In a Nutshell:

The use of the plural pronoun "We" in the Qur'an when referring to Allah is a linguistic feature deeply rooted in Islamic theology and literary tradition. Scholars like Imam al-Ghazali have provided insightful interpretations, emphasizing that this usage is a means of exalting Allah's majesty, power, and authority while maintaining the fundamental principle of Tawhid – the absolute oneness of God.

Why Qur'an uses "we" for one God

The use of the plural pronoun "We" in the Qur'an when referring to Allah (God) has been a subject of extensive discussion and interpretation among Islamic scholars and theologians.

This linguistic feature, known as the "Plural of Respect" or the "Plural of Majesty," is not unique to the Qur'an and can be found in other Semitic languages and literary traditions.

However, within the context of Islamic theology, this usage carries profound significance and has been analyzed by numerous scholars, including the renowned philosopher and theologian Imam al-Ghazali.

In his seminal work, "The Revival of the Religious Sciences" (Ihya' Ulum al-Din), al-Ghazali dedicates a section to discussing the use of the plural pronoun "We" in reference to Allah. He explains that this usage is not intended to imply a plurality of gods, as this would contradict the fundamental Islamic principle of the absolute oneness and indivisibility of Allah (Tawhid).

Rather, al-Ghazali and other scholars argue that the use of the plural form serves several purposes:

1. Majesty and Grandeur: The plural form is a linguistic expression of Allah's majesty, greatness, and exaltedness. It is a way of emphasizing the transcendence and supreme authority of the Divine Being, which is beyond human comprehension.

2. Inclusivity and Consultation: Some scholars interpret the plural form as a way for Allah to include the angels or other celestial beings in the divine discourse, symbolizing the concept of consultation and unity within the realm of the unseen.

3. Emphasis on Power and Authority: The use of the plural form can also be understood as a rhetorical device to emphasize Allah's absolute power and authority, as if the singular form would be insufficient to convey the magnitude of His sovereignty.

4. Relationship with Creation: Some scholars suggest that the plural form may allude to Allah's relationship with the entirety of creation, encompassing all beings and entities within the divine discourse.

It is important to note that these interpretations are not mutually exclusive, and different scholars may emphasize different aspects based on their understanding and methodological approaches.

Al-Ghazali, in particular, emphasizes that the use of the plural form does not in any way contradict the principle of Tawhid or imply a plurality of gods. He affirms that this linguistic feature is a means of exalting and glorifying the Divine, while maintaining the absolute oneness and indivisibility of Allah.

This understanding is further supported by the Qur'anic verse (112:1), which states:

"Say: He is Allah, the One and Only."

This verse, known as the "Verse of Purity" (Ayat al-Tawhid), unequivocally affirms the absolute oneness of Allah, even as the plural form is used elsewhere in the Qur'an.


The use of the plural pronoun "We" in the Qur'an when referring to Allah is a linguistic feature deeply rooted in Islamic theology and literary tradition.

Scholars like Imam al-Ghazali have provided insightful interpretations, emphasizing that this usage is a means of exalting Allah's majesty, power, and authority while maintaining the fundamental principle of Tawhid – the absolute oneness of God.

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