in category Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

What is the Hanafi opinion about wearing plain red garments?

1 Answer
And do they have an opinion about red head coverings as some ahadith seem to permit these as companions wore them.
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In a Nutshell:

The Hanafi Opinion is the permissibility of Clothing Colors including wearing plain red garments.


Islamic law, encompassing a wide range of cultural and social practices, does not explicitly prohibit the wearing of specific colors. This principle is widely accepted among Islamic jurists (fuqaha), as noted in the esteemed text "Al-Durr al-Mukhtar," which states, "There is no objection in any color of clothing."

However, there are nuanced interpretations and positions within different schools of thought, particularly regarding the colors red and yellow/orange for men.

The Hanafi Perspective on Red and Yellow/Orange Garments

The Hanafi school, one of the major Sunni Islamic schools of jurisprudence, holds a specific stance on men wearing garments dyed with certain colors.

While the founder of the school, Imam Abu Hanifah, permitted red garments, the Hanafi position, as detailed in "Durr al-Muhtar with Hashiya ibn Abidin," states:

"There is no problem in all the colors for men, except those dyed with saffron."

This is based on several hadiths, including a notable narration from Amr bin Shuaib, who recounted the Prophet Muhammad's (saw) reaction to his reddish-yellow dyed garment, as recorded in Abu Dawud.

Amr bin Shuaib on his father's authority told that his grandfather said, "We came down with the Prophet (saw) from a valley. He turned his attention to me and I was wearing a garment dyed with a reddish-yellow dye. He asked, "What is this garment over you?" I recognized what he disliked. I then came to my family who were burning their oven. I threw the garment in it and came to him the next day. He asked, "Abd Allah, what have you done with the garment?" I informed him about it. He said, "Why did you not give it to one of your family to wear, for there is no harm in it for women." (Abu Dawud)

Varied Interpretations on Plain Red Garments

The Hanafi jurists have differing opinions when it comes to plain red garments or those mixed with other colors.

The widely accepted view is that such garments are disliked (makrooh tanzeehi) but are best avoided. This view is nuanced in the case of head coverings like red turbans or caps, which are permitted according to all the jurists.

Narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) Wearing Red

There are narrations in Sahih Bukhari and Abu Dawud that describe the Prophet (saw) wearing red garments.

One such narration from Bara'a in Bukhari depicts the Prophet (saw) as being particularly striking in a red garment. Another narration from Amir in Abu Dawud describes the Prophet (saw) giving a sermon while wearing a red garment.

Bara'a reported that the Prophet (saw) was of medium build. "I saw him once in a red garment and have never seen anything beautiful than him." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

On the authority of Amir (ra) says "I saw the Prophet (saw) at Mina giving a sermon on a mule and wearing a red garment" (Abu Dawud)

These narrations have led to multiple opinions among Islamic jurists. Most, including those from the Maliki and Shafi'i schools, regard the wearing of red garments by men as permissible, as referenced in "Fath al-Bari" and "Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi."

However, Hanafi jurists interpret these hadiths differently, positing that the Prophet (saw) was wearing a multi-colored garment that included red among other colors, rather than a solely plain red garment. This interpretation aligns with their broader stance on the issue.

Conclusion - Hanafi Opinion permits colored garments

While Islamic law does not generally restrict the wearing of specific colors, there are particular considerations within the Hanafi school regarding red and yellow/orange garments for men.

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