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Is a donkey forbidden to eat in Islam?

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In a Nutshell: Donkey meat is generally forbidden to eat in Islam - some scholars permit wild donkey meat.


The question of whether eating donkey meat is permissible in Islam is a topic that has been subject to scholarly debate and interpretation. This article aims to explore the Islamic perspective on consuming donkey meat, delving into Quranic injunctions, Hadiths, and the views of various Islamic schools of thought.

Quran and Sunnah - Eating Donkey Meat

  1. Qur'anic Guidance: While the Quran does not explicitly mention donkeys, it provides general guidelines on what is permissible (halal) and forbidden (haram) to consume. For instance, animals that are dead before slaughtering (carrion), blood, and swine are explicitly forbidden (Qur'an 2:173, 5:3).

  2. Hadiths on Consuming Donkey Meat: There are several hadiths that address the consumption of donkey meat. A notable hadith from Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim states that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) forbade the eating of domestic donkeys on the day of the battle of Khaybar, classifying their meat as impure (najis).

Scholarly Interpretations and Jurisprudential Views

  1. General Prohibition: The majority of scholars, based on the hadiths, agree that the consumption of domesticated donkey meat is haram. This is due to the explicit prohibition by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during his lifetime.

  2. Views of Islamic Schools of Thought:

    • Hanafi School: Generally regards donkey meat as makruh (disliked) rather than outright haram. However, the consumption is still strongly discouraged.
    • Shafi'i, Maliki, and Hanbali Schools: These schools, based on the hadiths, consider the consumption of domestic donkey meat as haram.
  3. Distinction between Domestic and Wild Donkeys: Some scholars make a distinction between domestic and wild donkeys. Wild donkeys are not included in the prohibition and are considered permissible to eat by some scholars.

Contemporary Context

  1. Cultural and Regional Practices: In some regions, consuming donkey meat is a cultural practice. However, Islamic law supersedes cultural practices when they conflict.

  2. Health and Dietary Concerns: Modern research on the health implications of consuming different types of meat may also inform contemporary Islamic legal reasoning.

  3. Ethical Treatment of Animals: Islamic law emphasizes humane treatment of animals. This ethical consideration extends to the choices Muslims make regarding which animals to consume.


In summary, the consumption of domestic donkey meat is generally considered forbidden in Islam, based on the Hadiths and the consensus among the majority of Islamic scholars. While there is some debate regarding wild donkeys and differences in opinion among various schools of thought, the predominant view is that Muslims should abstain from consuming domestic donkey meat.

FAQs: Consumption of Donkey Meat in Islam

Q1: Why is donkey meat considered haram in Islam?

Donkey meat is considered haram mainly due to a hadith where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) explicitly forbade its consumption, classifying it as impure.

Q2: Are there any exceptions to this ruling in Islam?

Some scholars make a distinction between domestic and wild donkeys, with the latter being permissible to consume according to some views.

Q3: Does the prohibition of donkey meat apply to all Islamic schools of thought?

While there is general consensus on the prohibition, there are slight variations in views. For instance, the Hanafi school considers it makruh rather than outright haram.

Q4: How does cultural practice impact the Islamic ruling on eating donkey meat?

Islamic law takes precedence over cultural practices. If a cultural practice conflicts with Islamic law, such as the consumption of haram food, it should not be followed.

Q5: Can Muslims consume donkey meat in cases of necessity?

Islamic jurisprudence allows certain prohibitions to be relaxed in cases of dire necessity. However, this concept is strictly defined and does not apply to regular dietary choices.

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