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Can I Perform Salat al-Istikhara on Behalf of Someone Else?

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Introduction - Can I Perform Salat al-Istikhara on Behalf of Someone Else?

Salat al-Istikhara is a prayer seeking Allah's guidance in making decisions. A question that often arises in Muslim communities is whether it is permissible and effective to perform Salat al-Istikhara on behalf of someone else. This inquiry necessitates a detailed exploration within the Islamic framework.

Islamic Perspective on Individual Responsibility

In Islam, the concept of individual responsibility, particularly in decision-making, is paramount. Each person is accountable for their choices and actions, as highlighted in the Quran:

"And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another." (Quran 35:18).

This principle extends to seeking divine guidance through practices like Istikhara, where the individual’s direct communication with Allah is emphasized.

Perspectives on Performing Istikhara for Others

Islamic scholars have differing views on the permissibility of performing Istikhara for others:

1. Majority View: Most scholars opine that Istikhara is a personal matter and should ideally be performed by the individual concerned. This view is rooted in the emphasis on personal connection and sincerity in supplication.

2. Alternative View: Some scholars suggest that it may be permissible for a close relative or a spiritually devout person to perform Istikhara on behalf of someone else, especially in cases where the concerned individual is unable, such as due to illness or lack of knowledge.

Practical Aspects of Performing Istikhara for Others

The effectiveness of performing Istikhara for someone else can be subject to the individual’s intentions and the situation:

- Direct Impact: In situations where a decision directly affects the person performing Istikhara, such as a parent making a decision for their child, the act may hold more significance.

- Empathetic Intent: When performed out of genuine concern and empathy, the act of performing Istikhara for someone else can be a sincere form of supplication.

Spiritual and Emotional Considerations

Performing Istikhara for another person involves deep spiritual empathy and a sense of responsibility. It reflects a communal aspect of supplication, where one's concern for another's welfare is expressed through prayer. However, it is essential that this does not replace the individual's personal effort in seeking guidance.

Evidences from Quran, Sunnah, and Hadith

1. Quranic Guidance on Seeking Help and Trusting Allah: The Quran encourages seeking help and guidance in decision-making. It states:

"And consult them in the matter. And once you have made a decision, put your trust in Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him]." (Quran 3:159)

This verse underlines the importance of seeking guidance and trusting Allah's wisdom after making decisions, which is the essence of Istikharah.

2. Emphasizing the Importance of Prayer in Seeking Guidance: The Quran further emphasizes the significance of prayer (Salah) in seeking Allah's help and guidance, which is a fundamental aspect of Istikharah. The verse

"And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah]." (Quran 2:45)

highlights the role of prayer in decision-making.

3. Recognition of Allah's Knowledge and Power: The supplication (dua) of Istikharah reflects total dependence on Allah’s knowledge, power, and wisdom. It begins with: _"O Allah, I seek Your guidance [in making a choice] by virtue of Your knowledge, and I seek ability by virtue of Your power..."_ (Sahih Bukhari). This dua demonstrates reliance on Allah's omniscience and omnipotence, central themes in seeking divine guidance.

4. Prophet's Practice of Istikharah: The Hadith narrated by Jabir ibn ‘Abd-Allah al-Salami provides guidance on how to perform Istikharah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"If any one of you is concerned about a decision he has to make, then let him pray two rak'ahs of non-obligatory prayer, then say..."(Sahih al-Bukhari 6841).

This Hadith outlines the method of performing Istikharah as taught by the Prophet.

Common Misconceptions of Salat al-Istikhara

1. Istikharah is About Predetermined Outcomes: A common misconception is expecting Istikharah to provide predetermined outcomes. Istikharah is about seeking Allah’s guidance, accepting His decree with trust and peace, and gaining clarity in decision-making.

2. Replacing Due Diligence: Istikharah complements, but does not replace, due diligence. It is essential to make informed decisions and then seek Istikharah for divine endorsement or redirection.

3. Only for Major Life Decisions: Some believe Istikharah is only for significant life-changing decisions. In reality, it can be performed for any decision, big or small, where guidance is sought.

4. Neglecting Personal Effort: Istikharah is not a substitute for personal effort and due diligence. It should be an addition to making informed decisions, not a replacement for research and consultation.

5. Expecting Immediate and Clear Signs: Another misconception is expecting dramatic signs or dreams immediately following the prayer. Istikhara is about seeking ease in decision-making and not necessarily about receiving explicit signs.

6. Repeated Performance Without Patience: Some individuals perform Istikharah repeatedly in a short period without waiting for clarity or being patient. This can diminish the essence of seeking true guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How many times can I perform Salat al-Istikhara for the same decision?

There is no specific limit to how many times you can perform Salat al-Istikhara for the same decision. You can perform it as many times as you feel necessary until you reach a sense of clarity or contentment in your decision.

Q2: Can I perform Salat al-Istikhara on behalf of someone else?

Ideally, the person facing the decision should perform the prayer. However, a close relative or friend can perform Istikhara while keeping the concerned person’s situation in mind.

Q3: Is it necessary to see a dream after performing Istikhara?

No, seeing a dream is not a necessary outcome of Istikhara. Decisions should not be based solely on dreams.

Q4: Can I perform Istikhara during the day?

Yes, you can perform Istikhara at any time except the prohibited times for prayers (sunrise, sunset, and midday).

Q5: Should I make a decision before or after performing Salat al-Istikhara?

Perform Salat al-Istikhara when you are undecided. The prayer is meant to seek guidance for a decision, not to confirm a decision already made.

Q6: How do I interpret the outcome of Istikhara?

The outcome is often reflected in your ease towards a particular decision, a change in circumstances, or a subtle shift in your understanding and feelings about the matter.

Q7: Do I need to be in a state of Wudu (ablution) to perform Istikhara?

Yes, just like any other prayer in Islam, you should be in a state of Wudu when performing Salat al-Istikhara.

Understanding these evidences, common misconceptions, and frequently asked questions can help individuals approach Salat al-Istikhara with a well-informed and spiritually enriching perspective, enhancing the effectiveness and significance of this important Islamic practice.


While Salat al-Istikhara is generally recommended to be performed by the individual directly concerned, there are perspectives and situations where performing it on behalf of someone else may be considered permissible. This practice should be approached with sincerity, understanding of its purpose, and acknowledgment of the primary role of personal responsibility in Islamic decision-making. Ultimately, the decision to perform Istikhara for another should be guided by empathy, wisdom, and adherence to Islamic principles.

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