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What sort of haircuts are haram in Islam?

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In a Nutshell

Generally, haircuts in Islam should be neat and moderate. There are specific styles that are considered haram (forbidden), primarily those that involve shaving part of the head and leaving the rest (known as al-qaza'), or those that imitate disbelievers or transgressors. However, a wide range of hairstyles are permissible for both men and women when done with the proper intentions.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Evidences
    • From the Qur'an
    • From the Hadith
    • Opinions of the Sahaba (Companions)
    • Views of Traditional Scholars
  3. What Sort of Haircuts Are Haram in Islam? Analysis
  4. Misconceptions About Haram Haircuts
  5. Common Objections and Their Rebuttals
  6. FAQs: What Sort of Haircuts Are Haram in Islam?
  7. Conclusion


Hair is a significant part of a person's physical appearance, and Islam, as a comprehensive way of life, offers guidelines on how Muslims should present themselves. While many hairstyles are permissible, certain styles are considered haram (forbidden) based on authentic Islamic sources. This article will explore the concept of haram haircuts according to the Quran, Sunnah, and the views of respected Islamic scholars, providing a clear understanding for Muslims seeking to follow the proper guidelines.


From the Qur'an

While the Qur'an doesn't explicitly specify forbidden hairstyles, it provides general principles that guide Muslims' behavior and appearance:

  • Moderation: "And eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess." (Qur'an 7:31)
  • Avoiding Imitation of Disbelievers: "And whoever makes enemies of Allah, His Messenger, and the believers – then indeed, the party of Allah will be the predominant." (Qur'an 5:56)
  • Maintaining Dignity: "O children of Adam, We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment. But the clothing of righteousness - that is best." (Qur'an 7:26)

From the Hadith

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) provided more specific guidance on the issue of hairstyles:

  • Prohibition of al-qaza': "The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) forbade al-qaza'." (Bukhari, Muslim) Al-qaza' refers to the practice of shaving some parts of the head while leaving others long.
  • Emphasizing General Neatness: "The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) saw a boy with part of his head shaved and part left. He (pbuh) forbade them from doing that and said: 'Shave it all or leave it all.'" (Abu Dawud)
  • Imitating Disbelievers: "Whoever imitates a people is one of them." (Abu Dawud)

Opinions of the Sahaba (Companions)

The Prophet's companions (ra) were meticulous in following his example and understood these principles:

  • Ibn Umar (ra): He strongly disapproved of al-qaza', emphasizing that hair should be kept at an even length.
  • Abdullah ibn Ja'far (ra): It is narrated that he (ra) would trim his hair and beard regularly, demonstrating the importance of a well-maintained appearance.

Views of Traditional Scholars

Islamic scholars throughout history have elaborated on these guidelines, providing further clarity within the framework of the Qur'an and Sunnah:

  • Imam An-Nawawi: He underscored that any hairstyle deliberately resembling disbelievers or immoral people would be considered forbidden.
  • Ibn Taymiyyah: He emphasized that the intention behind a hairstyle is crucial in determining its permissibility. Styles adopted out of vanity or arrogance would be frowned upon.
  • Contemporary Scholars: Many contemporary scholars reiterate that if a hairstyle's underlying intention aligns with Islamic principles of modesty and dignity, it is generally permissible.

Analysis of What Sort of Haircuts Are Haram in Islam?

Based on the provided evidences, we can deduce the following types of haircuts to be haram in Islam:

  • Al-qaza': Any haircut that involves shaving portions of the head and leaving others long is strictly prohibited due to its explicit condemnation in the hadith.
  • Hairstyles Imitating Disbelievers: Adopting haircuts that are distinctive trademarks of non-Muslim groups or cultures, especially when done so with the intention of resembling them, is considered impermissible as it violates the principle of disassociating from disbelievers.
  • Hairstyles Imitating Transgressors: Hairstyles that are strongly associated with immoral groups or those who flagrantly reject Islamic values should be avoided.
  • Extravagant and Attention-Seeking Hairstyles: Excessively flamboyant or outlandish hairstyles driven by vanity or the desire to stand out provocatively contradict the Islamic emphasis on modesty and humility.
  • Gender-bending Hairstyles: Men and women are instructed to maintain a clear distinction in their appearance. Hairstyles that intentionally blur gender lines or are designed to imitate the opposite sex are forbidden.

Important Note: It's critical to remember that intention plays a significant role in determining whether a particular hairstyle falls under the haram category.

Misconceptions About Haram Haircuts

  • All modern haircuts are haram: This is inaccurate. Many contemporary hairstyles are acceptable as long as they avoid the specific characteristics outlined earlier.
  • Only men need to worry about haram haircuts: Women are also instructed to adhere to Islamic principles regarding their appearance, including avoiding hairstyles that are extravagant, imitate disbelievers, or blur gender lines.
  • Trimming or shaping the hair slightly is haram: Trimming and shaping the hair for neatness and maintenance are not only permissible but encouraged in Islam.
  • Any resemblance to a non-Muslim's hairstyle is haram: The key is intention. If a similar hairstyle is adopted without the intention of imitating disbelievers, it may not be considered forbidden.
  • All short haircuts for women are forbidden: While extremely short haircuts that may resemble men's styles should be avoided, there are a variety of shorter haircuts that women can adopt while maintaining a distinctly feminine appearance.

Common Objections and Their Rebuttals

  • "Hairstyles are a personal choice and shouldn't be dictated by religion." While freedom of expression is valued, Islam provides guidance to help Muslims live fulfilling lives. Following Islamic principles regarding appearance demonstrates a commitment to one's faith and fosters a sense of dignity and respect.
  • "These rules are outdated and don't apply in modern times." The fundamental principles of Islam are timeless. Islamic guidance on haircuts emphasizes modesty, dignity, and avoiding imitation of those who reject faith – values that remain relevant across all eras.
  • "Focusing on a person's hairstyle is superficial." While judging someone's character based solely on their hairstyle is wrong, outward appearance does reflect a person's inner values. Muslims are encouraged to present themselves in a way that showcases their commitment to Islam.
  • "I'm not hurting anyone with my hairstyle, so why does it matter?" Islamic teachings aim to promote individual well-being as well as societal harmony. Adhering to Islamic guidelines regarding haircuts contributes to building a strong Muslim identity and avoiding societal divisions.
  • "These rules are too strict." Islam provides a balanced approach. While some haircuts are indeed forbidden, there is a wide range of permissible styles that allow Muslims to express their individuality while upholding Islamic values.



Islam offers a comprehensive approach to life, with guidelines extending to personal appearance, including hairstyles. The concept of haram haircuts is rooted in principles of moderation, dignity, avoiding imitation of disbelievers, and maintaining gender distinctions. While several specific styles are forbidden, Muslims have the freedom to express their individuality within a framework that aligns with Islamic values.

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