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Does Islam and Christianity have a shared history?

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In a Nutshell:

Islam, as a complete religion with its prophet, scripture and teachings, emerged in the 7th century CE with the revelation to The Prophet (pbuh). However, Muslims believe in the core message of submission to one God (Allah) that existed since humanity's beginning and was reaffirmed throughout history by prophets like Abraham (as) and Jesus (as).

Table of Contents

  • In a Nutshell
  • Introduction
  • Quranic Verses
  • Ahadith
  • Companions' Opinions
  • Traditional Scholars' Views
  • Did Islam Exist Before Christianity?
  • 5 Misconceptions about Islam and Christianity
  • 5 Objections Addressed
  • FAQs: Did Islam Exist Before Christianity?
  • Conclusion


The question of Islam's existence before Christianity is a point of discussion, particularly regarding the timeline of Abrahamic faiths. While the complete revelation of Islam occurred in the 7th century CE, Muslims hold the belief that the core message of Islam, the submission to one God (Allah), is the original faith followed by humanity since its inception. This answer will explore this concept through Quranic verses, ahadith and the insights of Islamic scholars.


Quranic Verses:

  • "Say, 'O People of the Scripture, come to a word [of agreement] between us - that we will worship none but Allah and will associate nothing with Him and that none of us will take others as lords besides Allah.'" (Quran 3:64)
  • "And We did not send any messenger before you, [O Muhammad], except that We revealed to him, 'Worship Me and there is no deity [worthy of worship] except Me.'" (Quran 21:25)


  • The Prophet (pbuh) said, "The first message sent down from heaven was, 'O Muhammad! Worship Allah (SWT) and be not of the polytheists.'" (Sahih al-Bukhari)
  • The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Every child is born upon the fitrah (natural inclination towards monotheism) and then his parents make him a Jew or a Christian or a Magian." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Companions' Opinions:

  • Ibn Abbas (ra) said, The religion of Allah (SWT) has ever been Islam. There has never been a religion other than Islam. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
  • Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) said, The best speech is the speech of Allah (SWT), the Best Guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (pbuh) and the worst of matters are those newly invented, for every innovation is an error. (Sahih Muslim)

Traditional Scholars' Views:

  • Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (rh) said, The religion of all the prophets and messengers is one religion, the religion of Islam, the surrender to Allah (SWT) alone, without associating partners with Him in worship or obedience. (Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah)
  • Imam al-Ghazali (rh) said, The truth is that the path of the prophets is one path and their message is one message... The difference is only in the shari'ahs (legal systems) brought by each prophet. (Ihya Ulum al-Din)

Did Islam Exist Before Christianity?

The answer to this question depends on how we define Islam. Let's examine the different ways of understanding the term:

  • Islam as a Complete Creed and Law: Islam, as a specific religion with a revealed law through the The Prophet (pbuh) and the Quran, began in the 7th century CE. This period marks the culmination of the divine message and its final, detailed form.
  • Islam as the Essence of Monotheism: If Islam signifies surrendering oneself to the One God (Allah swt), then it existed from the beginning of creation. All prophets, including Adam (as), Noah (as), Abraham (as), Moses (as), Jesus (as) and finally, Muhammad (pbuh), preached this principle of monotheism and devotion to God.
  • Prophets as Precursors to The Prophet (pbuh): Muslims believe that Allah chose messengers throughout history to guide humanity back to the original message of submission. Previous prophets' messages were in preparation for Islam's complete form, with the final, most comprehensive revelation coming to the The Prophet (pbuh).

The Quran and hadith emphasize all prophets' fundamental message of worshipping Allah (swt) alone. The differences between religions lie mainly in the laws and rituals. This supports the idea that the essence of Islam existed from the beginning of humankind, but Islam's specific form was revealed to the The Prophet (pbuh).

5 Misconceptions about Islam and Christianity

  • Islam as a violent religion: This is a misunderstanding that ignores the fundamental teachings of mercy, peace and tolerance within Islam.
  • Islam as a completely new religion: Islam shares similar core monotheistic principles as Judaism and Christianity, with The Prophet (pbuh) as the final messenger.
  • All Muslims the same: Just like other religions, there's immense diversity within the Muslim world in terms of culture, interpretation and practice.
  • Islam oppresses women: Islam elevated the status of women, granting them rights to education, property ownership and divorce, revolutionary for the time.
  • Islam and Christianity are in eternal conflict: Despite historical events, the Quran promotes interfaith dialogue and peaceful co-existence.

5 Objections Addressed

  • If Islam existed before Christianity, why is it called a 'new' religion? The term new refers to the completion of the divine message and the specific laws revealed through the The Prophet (pbuh), not a complete break from established teachings.
  • If Islam is the original religion, why do the scriptures of Judaism and Christianity exist? Islam recognizes the previous revelations, but believes those scriptures may have undergone changes over time. Muslims hold that the Quran is the final, unaltered word of Allah (swt).
  • Doesn't Islam's claim of being the final truth contradict respect for other religions? While Muslims see Islam as the completion of the message, they also believe in respecting other faiths and their right to exist. The Quran states, There is no compulsion in religion (2:256).
  • If all prophets preached Islam, why were there different religions before? Allah (swt) revealed laws and practices appropriate for specific times and people. With the advent of Islam, its universal message is meant for all humanity until the end of times.
  • Why does Islam differ from Judaism and Christianity in some aspects? Muslims believe that while the core message of monotheism remained unchanged, specific laws and practices were revealed according to the circumstances of each prophet's time.

FAQs: Did Islam Exist Before Christianity?

  • Can Islam and Christianity be considered branches of the same religion? It's more accurate to view them as religions with shared roots stemming from the Abrahamic tradition.
  • What is the main difference between Islam and Christianity? A key theological difference centers on the nature of Jesus (as). Muslims see Jesus as a revered prophet, while Christians believe in his divinity and the concept of the Trinity.
  • How do Muslims view Christians and Jews? Islam refers to Christians and Jews as People of the Book, a term of respect due to their shared belief in one God and past revelations.
  • Is it disrespectful for Muslims to say Islam was the religion of all prophets? Muslims say this out of a belief in the universal message of submitting to one God and respecting all prophets. It's intended not as an insult, but as a statement of faith.
  • Can Muslims and Christians live in peace? History shows periods of both peaceful coexistence and conflict between Muslims and Christians. The Quran calls for peaceful relations with those of other faiths.


The term Islam has multiple meanings that lead to different ways of understanding the question. If we understand Islam as the core submission to God alone, then it has existed since humanity's inception, reaffirmed by prophets throughout history, including Jesus (as). However, as a complete religion, Islam, with its unique laws and final prophet (pbuh) was established in the 7th century CE.

It's good to recognize the Abrahamic roots shared by Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These religions all stem from the same belief in one God and a lineage of respected prophets.

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