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How do Muslims fast in ramadan?

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In a Nutshell:

Muslims fast by abstaining from food, drink and certain activities from dawn to dusk during the holy month of Ramadan and on specific days throughout the year.

Table of Contents

  • In a Nutshell
  • Evidences
  • How Do Muslims Fast?
  • Misconceptions about Fasting in Islam
  • FAQs on Fasting in Islam


Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, a foundational practice undertaken by Muslims worldwide. This act of self-discipline and devotion strengthens faith, increases compassion for the less fortunate and fosters spiritual growth. This answer will look at the various aspects of how Muslims fast, providing a comprehensive understanding based on Quranic verses, authentic hadiths and scholarly opinions.

Evidences from Quran and Hadith:

  • O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed upon you as it was prescribed upon those before you that you may become righteous. Quran (2:183)
  • ...And eat and drink until the white thread (of dawn) becomes distinct from the black thread (of night)... (This verse defines the fasting period from dawn to dusk). Quran (2:184)
  • So whoever of you sights the month (of Ramadan) should fast therein... (This verse establishes the obligation of fasting during Ramadan). Quran (2:185)
  • Narrated Abdullah ibn Masud (ra): The Prophet (pbuh) said, When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained.(This Hadith highlights the spiritual significance of Ramadan). Hadith (Sahih Bukhari 59:2)
  • The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, Islam is built upon five pillars: the declaration of faith, establishing prayer, giving charity, pilgrimage (Hajj) and fasting during Ramadan. Hadith (Sahih Bukhari 19:186)
  • Narrated Abu Musa al-Ash'ari (ra): The Prophet (pbuh) said, Whoever intentionally breaks the Ramadan fast without a concession or a reason permitted by Allah, there is no expiation for him but to fast an equivalent number of days. (This Hadith emphasizes the importance of completing the fast). Hadith (Sahih Muslim 1074)

How Do Muslims Fast?:

Fasting in Islam entails abstaining from food, drink and marital relations from the first light of dawn (fajr) until sunset (maghrib). Muslims are encouraged to partake in a pre-dawn meal called Suhoor, which provides sustenance for the day ahead. After sunset, the fast is broken with a meal called Iftar, often consisting of dates and water, followed by a full meal. Fasting also involves abstaining from smoking, gossip and other negative behaviors that may diminish the spiritual benefits of the practice.

Misconceptions about Fasting in Islam:

  • Fasting is only about abstaining from food and drink.
    While this is a core aspect, fasting is also about self-reflection, spiritual growth and increased empathy for those less fortunate.
  • The elderly and sick cannot fast.
    Islam offers concessions for those with genuine health concerns or limitations. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, travelers and children are also exempt from fasting.
  • Fasting is a punishment.
    Fasting is a spiritual act that allows Muslims to draw closer to Allah (swt) and cultivate self-discipline.
  • Fasting makes you weak.
    Studies have shown that fasting can have various health benefits, promoting detoxification and cellular repair.
  • Fasting is only practiced during Ramadan.
    Muslims may also fast on specific days throughout the year, such as Ashura and the Day of Arafah.

Objections Addressed Regarding Fasting

  • Fasting is harmful to health.
    While prolonged fasting can be detrimental, Islamic fasting is structured differently and has potential health benefits. It promotes rest for the digestive system, regulates eating habits and can aid in weight management.
  • Fasting dehydrates the body.
    Strategic hydration before and after fasting hours, as well as consuming water-rich foods during non-fasting periods, helps maintain proper hydration.
  • Fasting makes you less productive.
    Muslims adjust routines during Ramadan, focusing on essential tasks and spirituality. Many report increased productivity due to heightened discipline and focus.
  • Fasting weakens the immune system.
    Short-term fasting can boost immune function by triggering a process called autophagy, which helps the body eliminate damaged cells.
  • Fasting is incompatible with modern life.
    With careful planning and adjustments, Muslims can successfully balance work, study and social commitments while fasting. For instance, altering hours around prayers and naps can create sustainable patterns.

FAQs about Fasting in Islam

  • Can I brush my teeth while fasting?
    Yes, using toothpaste during fasting is permissible. However, one must avoid swallowing water or toothpaste.
  • Can I swallow my own saliva?
    Yes, swallowing one's saliva is permitted and does not break the fast.
  • Can I receive medical injections?
    Injections that do not provide nutritional benefits are generally permissible while fasting.
  • Can I exercise while fasting?
    It's recommended to engage in light to moderate exercise during non-fasting hours to maintain energy levels and avoid dehydration.
  • Are there certain medications I cannot take while fasting?
    It is essential to consult a doctor before altering medication schedules during Ramadan, especially if you have underlying health conditions.


Fasting in Islam is a profound act of worship with both spiritual and potential physical benefits. When approached with understanding and moderation, fasting fosters a unique connection with Allah (swt) and deepens self-awareness.

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