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How is Islam different from Christianity?

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In a Nutshell:

Islam and Christianity, both Abrahamic religions, share a belief in one God, prophets and an afterlife. However, they differ in key aspects such as the concept of God (Allah), the role of Jesus and the path to salvation. Understanding these differences fosters mutual respect and emphasizes the common ground both religions share.

Table of Contents

Background and Context
Analysis of How is Islam Different from Christianity?
Misconceptions about Islam and Christianity
Objections to Islamic Beliefs
FAQs about Islam and Christianity


Islam and Christianity are two of the world's largest religions, tracing their roots back to Abraham (Ibrahim ???? ??????). Both religions emphasize worshipping one God, following prophets and living a moral life. Understanding the similarities and differences between Islam and Christianity can foster greater understanding and respect between these two faith traditions.


Quran on the Oneness of God (Tawhid):

Say, 'He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent.'(Quran 112:1-4)

Quran on Following Prophets:

And We sent messengers before you, [and] We revealed to them [scriptures].(Quran 25:21)

Quran on Respecting Previous Scriptures:

And We have already given Moses the Book and followed up after him with messengers. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear proofs and supported him with the Holy Spirit.(Quran 2:87)

Hadith on Jesus (pbuh) as a Prophet:

Narrated Abu Hurairah (ra): The Prophet (pbuh) said, '...and Jesus, the son of Mary, Word of God and a spirit from Him...'(Sahih al-Bukhari)

Hadith on Respecting Other Religions:

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr (ra): The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, 'Whoever hurts a non-Muslim under dhimma (covenant), then I will contend with him on the Day of Judgement.'(Sunan Abu Dawud)

How is Islam Different from Christianity?

Despite their shared Abrahamic heritage, Islam and Christianity diverge on some core theological concepts. Here's a breakdown of the key differences:

Concept of God:

Islam:Islam emphasizes strict monotheism (tawhid). Muslims believe in one absolute God (Allah SWT), the Creator and Sustainer of everything. The Quran repeatedly underlines Allah's oneness and indivisibility (Quran 2:163).

Christianity:Christianity adheres to the doctrine of the Trinity, which posits the existence of one God in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. This concept is not shared by Islam, which considers it a form of polytheism (shirk).

Jesus (pbuh) and his Role:

Islam:Muslims revere Jesus (Isa ???? ??????) as a prophet, miraculously born of Virgin Mary (Maryam ????? ??????). He is considered one of the most important prophets in Islam, bringing a message of guidance and monotheism (Quran 19:16-34). However, Muslims reject his divinity and crucifixion.

Christianity:Christianity views Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection are seen as central to salvation and the forgiveness of sins.


Islam:Muslims believe that salvation comes through faith (iman) in one God and good deeds (amal ???? - amali salihat). Following the teachings of the prophets and sincerely worshipping Allah SWT are paramount (Quran 2:82).

Christianity:In most Christian denominations, salvation is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross. Good works are considered a consequence of faith, but not a requirement for salvation.


Islam:Muslims hold the Quran as the final and complete revelation from Allah SWT, delivered to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril ???? ??????). The Quran is believed to be the literal word of God, preserved in its original form (Quran 15:9).

Christianity:Christians revere the Bible, consisting of the Old Testament (Hebrew scriptures) and the New Testament (writings about Jesus and early Christianity). The Bible is considered divinely inspired, but with some variations in its interpretation across Christian denominations.

Misconceptions about Islam and Christianity

Islam and Christianity completely disagree on everything.

While differences exist, Islam and Christianity share numerous similarities:

Belief in one God, the Creator of the universe

Importance of prophets such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus and others

Emphasis on ethics, morality and helping others

Muslims don't respect Jesus.

Muslims hold Jesus (pbuh) in high esteem. They believe in his virgin birth, his miracles and acknowledge him as a righteous prophet and Messiah.

Objections to Islamic Beliefs

If Allah SWT is all-powerful, why couldn't he forgive people without Jesus' sacrifice?

Islam emphasizes God's absolute power of forgiveness and mercy. While some Christian denominations believe atonement through Jesus Christ is the sole means of salvation, Muslims see God's mercy as all-encompassing and requiring sincere repentance.

The Quran contradicts the Bible.

Islam teaches that the Quran confirms earlier revelations, while also stating that previous scriptures have been subjected to change over time. Muslims approach these contradictions with concepts like abrogation (naskh), believing that certain verses in the Quran may abrogate earlier revelations, bringing updated guidance.

FAQs: How is Islam Different from Christianity?

Can Muslims and Christians get along?Islam advocates peaceful coexistence and encourages respect for other faiths. Muslims and Christians share many values, including helping those in need and there's a long history of peaceful and productive interfaith relationships.

Should I convert to Christianity or Islam?That's a deeply personal decision. Both faiths offer spiritual guidance and paths toward salvation. Seeking sincere knowledge of both religions through independent research, prayer and consultation with reputable Islamic and Christian scholars is advisable.


Islam and Christianity, while rooted in the same Abrahamic tradition, hold unique core beliefs. Understanding their differences helps us appreciate the religious diversity in our world. Muslims and Christians shouldn't view these differences as sources of conflict, but rather as opportunities for enriching interfaith dialogue and peaceful coexistence.

Islam and Christianity, through their shared values, can together forge stronger moral foundations for society. Appreciating both similarities and differences fosters respect and builds bridges of understanding, ultimately leading to a more harmonious world.


Esposito, John L. (2010). Islam: The Straight Path. Oxford University Press.
Lewis, Bernard. (1984). The Jews of Islam. Princeton University Press.
Peters, F.E. (1991). The Children of Abraham. Princeton University Press.
Watt, W. Montgomery. (1974). Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman. Oxford University Press.

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