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In a Nutshell:

Vaping, the inhalation of aerosol from electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), is a growing trend that raises questions about its permissibility in Islam. While the long-term health effects are still being studied, many scholars consider vaping haram (forbidden) due to its potential harm and resemblance to smoking, which is generally prohibited.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Analysis of Is it haram to Vape?
  • Misconceptions about Vaping and Islam
  • FAQs about Vaping and Islam
  • Conclusion


Maintaining good health is a core principle in Islam. Allah (swt) states in the Quran:

And spend in the way of Allah [out of your wealth] and do not throw yourselves into destruction [by not spending on yourselves in lawful ways and leading to your own harm] (Quran 2:195).

The Prophet (pbuh) also emphasized the importance of taking care of oneself, saying:

A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak believer, although there is good in both. (Sahih Muslim 2664).

In recent years, vaping has become a popular alternative to traditional cigarettes. However, concerns exist regarding its potential health risks. This answer will look at the Islamic perspective on vaping, examining the relevant evidences and scholarly opinions.


Quran on Maintaining Good Health:

And do not kill yourselves [or each other] for Allah is ever Merciful to you.(Quran 4:29)

This verse emphasizes the importance of protecting oneself from harm. Vaping, if proven to be detrimental to health, could fall under this prohibition.

Hadith on Avoiding Harmful Substances:

It is not permissible for a believer to harm himself or to harm another.(Sunan Ibn Majah 2355)

This hadith discourages Muslims from engaging in activities that could cause harm to themselves or others.

Scholarly Opinions on Smoking and New Harmful Substances:

Many scholars have historically classified traditional cigarettes as haram due to their established health risks. The Islamic jurists fuqaha employ the concept of darar (harm) to assess the permissibility of actions. If something is known to be harmful, it is forbidden. In the case of vaping, the lack of long-term studies creates some debate. However, many scholars apply a precautionary principle, considering vaping impermissible until its safety is definitively established.

Is it haram to Vape?

The permissibility of vaping in Islam is a complex issue with ongoing scholarly debate. Here's a breakdown of key factors to consider:

Potential Harms of Vaping:

While research on vaping's long-term effects is ongoing, some studies suggest potential health risks, including:

These potential harms raise concerns under the Islamic principle of darar(harm) mentioned earlier.

The Precautionary Principle in Islamic Law:

Islamic jurists fuqaha often employ a precautionary principle when dealing with new substances or activities. This principle prioritizes avoiding potential harm even if definitive proof isn't available.

Imam Ash-Shafi'i (ra), a renowned scholar, stated:

Ward off harm whenever you can.This principle encourages caution when the potential for harm exists.

Distinguishing Established vs. Potential Harms:

Traditional cigarettes have a long history of causing harm, leading to a clear scholarly consensus on their prohibition. Vaping, however, is a newer phenomenon with less conclusive evidence.

While some scholars advocate for a stricter stance, others argue for further research before issuing a definitive ruling.

Scholarly Debates on the Classification of Vaping:

There's a range of opinions among contemporary scholars regarding vaping. Some scholars, like Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi (ra), classify vaping as haram due to its potential health risks and resemblance to smoking. Others, like Dr. Muhammad Al-Mukhtar ash-Shinqiti (ra), argue for a more nuanced approach, considering factors like the user's intention and the severity of potential harm.

Misconceptions about Vaping and Islam

Vaping is harmless because it's not tobacco.

Vaping solutions often contain nicotine, heavy metals and flavoring chemicals, some of which can be potentially harmful. Vaping is not devoid of risk simply because it doesn't involve burning tobacco.

Vaping helps people quit smoking, making it permissible.

While some individuals may use vaping as a tool to reduce traditional smoking, it's not definitively safe or a guaranteed smoking cessation method. Turning to a potentially harmful practice as a means to quit another harmful practice may not be the ideal Islamic approach.

Only the flavoring in vape juice is inhaled, not harmful substances.

Studies show that e-liquids can contain chemicals that, when heated, become harmful. It's incorrect to assume that only the flavoring enters the body during vaping.

Vaping is only haram if it contains nicotine.

The potential harm of vaping extends beyond nicotine. Even nicotine-free e-liquids might carry other health risks due to various chemicals used in the vaping process.

The religious ruling on vaping depends on personal opinion.

Vaping's permissibility is determined by careful analysis of Islamic principles, particularly the concept of darar (harm) and the precautionary principle. It involves evaluating potential risks and benefits within a framework of Islamic jurisprudence.

There's no clear scientific consensus on the dangers of vaping.

While true, the absence of conclusive evidence doesn't imply safety. Many scholars advocate for precaution until long-term research confirms the full impact of vaping.

Vaping doesn't involve burning like cigarettes, so it's less harmful.

The absence of burning doesn't guarantee safety. Vaping aerosols contain chemicals that can pose risks regardless of their generation method.

The intention behind vaping might be good (e.g., quitting smoking).

In Islam, good intentions don't justify using potentially harmful methods. If vaping carries clear health risks, it may be prohibited even if motivated by a good intention.

Banning vaping pushes people towards traditional cigarettes.

This argument highlights the challenges of harm reduction, but it doesn't necessitate permitting a potentially harmful practice to avoid a worse one.

Focusing on vaping distracts from more pressing health issues.

Any health issue impacting Muslims deserves attention. Discussing vaping doesn't diminish the importance of addressing other health concerns.

FAQs: Is it haram to Vape?

Can vaping invalidate my fast during Ramadan?

Vaping is considered by many scholars to nullify the fast as it introduces substances into the body.

What are alternatives to vaping for those trying to quit smoking?

Muslims are encouraged to prioritize healthy methods, such as seeking professional cessation support, nicotine replacement therapy, behavioral counseling and turning to Allah (swt) for support.

Should Muslims advocate for regulations on the vaping industry?

Yes, Muslims can support efforts to regulate the vaping industry to minimize potential harms, particularly for youth.

What if someone vapes without knowing the potential harms?

Ignorance might lessen the sin, but Muslims are expected to make informed decisions regarding their health.


The Islamic ruling on vaping remains subject to ongoing discussion as science elucidates its long-term health effects. Currently, many scholars lean towards considering it haram due to the potential health risks and the principle of precaution.

Muslims are encouraged to prioritize their health by avoiding potentially harmful practices, seeking alternatives for smoking cessation and staying informed about the latest scientific findings. Ultimately, it's advisable to consult a qualified scholar for individual guidance regarding vaping.

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