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How did Muhammad become a Prophet?

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In a Nutshell:

Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad (saw) received his first revelation at the age of 40 in a cave outside Mecca. Angel Gabriel appeared to him and instructed him to recite the opening verses of the Quran, marking the beginning of his prophethood and mission to spread Islam.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • How Muhammad Became a Prophet
  • Misconceptions
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Understanding how Prophet Muhammad (saw) became a prophet is fundamental to Islam. The Quran, the holy book of Islam and authentic hadiths, narrations of the Prophet's (saw) sayings and actions, provide us with a clear account of this pivotal event. This revelation marked the beginning of a new era, guiding humanity towards monotheism and the worship of the one God, Allah (swt).


Quranic Verses

The Quran itself provides the most important evidence of Prophet Muhammad's (saw) prophethood.

[Prophet], recite in the name of your Lord who created. Created man from a clinging clot. Recite, for your Lord is Most Generous. Who taught by the pen - Taught man what he knew not.(Quran 96:1-5)

These verses, considered the first verses revealed to Prophet Muhammad (saw), command him to recite and emphasize the importance of knowledge and learning.

[By the star of descending brightness.] By the star when it sets, Your companion has not gone astray, nor has he erred. Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is only a revelation revealed, Taught to him by one intense in strength [Gabriel].(Quran 53:1-5)

This Surah describes the Night Journey (Isra and Miraj), a miraculous event where Prophet Muhammad (saw) was transported from Mecca to Jerusalem and ascended to the heavens. It highlights the role of Angel Gabriel in transmitting the revelation.

The Quran mentions several qualities shared by all prophets, including trustworthiness, patience and perseverance. These qualities are evident throughout Prophet Muhammad's (saw) life.

Quranic Verses

Hadiths narrate the event of the first revelation and its impact on Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Hadith Jibril:

This Hadith describes how Angel Gabriel appeared to Prophet Muhammad (saw) and taught him the fundamental principles of Islam.

Narrations Describing the Revelation:

Several hadiths narrate Prophet Muhammad's (saw) experience in the cave, his fear and confusion and his seeking comfort from his wife Khadijah (ra).

Scholars' Opinions:

Imam al-Bukhari:

Imam al-Bukhari, a revered scholar of Hadith, emphasizes the authenticity of Hadith Jibril, including it in his collection of Sahih al-Bukhari.

Imam Ibn Kathir:

Imam Ibn Kathir, a renowned Islamic historian, discusses the historical context of the first revelation, highlighting the prevalent social and religious practices in pre-Islamic Arabia.

How Muhammad Became a Prophet

The process of Prophet Muhammad's (saw) prophethood unfolded gradually, marked by distinct phases:

Gradual Revelation:

The Quran was not revealed all at once, but rather in parts over a period of approximately 23 years. This gradual approach allowed Prophet Muhammad (saw) to understand and absorb the message and gradually share it with the community.

Angel Gabriel as a Divine Messenger:The Quran emphasizes that Prophet Muhammad (saw) did not create the message; it was conveyed to him by Angel Gabriel. This act underlines the divine origin of the Quran and Islam.

The Night Journey (Isra and Miraj):

This miraculous event, while not explicitly mentioned as a condition for prophethood, holds deep spiritual significance. It demonstrates Prophet Muhammad's (saw) unique station amongst the prophets and serves as a testament to his faith and obedience.

Challenges Faced in Mecca and Medina:

Prophet Muhammad's (saw) mission was not without hardships. He and his followers faced persecution and ridicule in Mecca, eventually leading to their migration (Hijrah) to Medina. Despite these challenges, Prophet Muhammad (saw) remained steadfast in conveying the message of Islam.

Qualities of a Prophet:

The Quran and hadiths emphasize the importance of certain qualities in a prophet, including trustworthiness (sidq), honesty (amanah), trustworthiness (tabligh) and wisdom (hikmah). Prophet Muhammad (saw) was known for embodying these qualities throughout his life, earning him the title of Al-Amin (the Trustworthy) even before prophethood.

This confluence of events - the gradual revelations, the role of Angel Gabriel, the Night Journey and Prophet Muhammad's (saw) unwavering character - all point towards his divinely chosen role as the final messenger of Allah (swt).


Here are some common misunderstandings about Prophet Muhammad's (saw) prophethood:

Muhammad (saw) authored the Quran:Muslims believe the Quran is the revealed word of Allah (swt), not the creation of Prophet Muhammad (saw). The Quran's inimitable style and eloquence are considered proof of its divine origin.

The experience of prophethood was sudden and overwhelming:While the first revelation came unexpectedly, prophethood was a gradual process. The revelations continued over two decades, allowing Prophet Muhammad (saw) to understand, internalize and share the message.

How can we be certain of the experience being divine?

Muslims point to the consistency of the Quran's message, its unique literary style and its timeless teachings as evidence of divine origin. Furthermore, the transformation Prophet Muhammad (saw) brought about in Arabian society also supports this belief.

Why was a new prophet needed after Jesus?

While respecting Jesus as a prophet, Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the final messenger, sent to convey a universal message that would complete the teachings of previous prophets.


What was the impact of the first revelation on Prophet Muhammad (saw)?

The first revelation was an overwhelming experience, leaving Prophet Muhammad (saw) shaken and unsure. However, his wife Khadijah (ra) provided support and encouragement and later, her cousin Waraqa bin Nawfal, a Christian scholar, helped him understand the event's significance.

What lessons can we learn from the story of Prophet Muhammad's (saw) prophethood?

The story highlights the importance of faith, patience and perseverance. It also emphasizes that even in the face of hardship, a person of pure character and unwavering belief can accomplish extraordinary things.


Prophet Muhammad's (saw) prophethood is a central tenet of Islamic belief. His life provides a guiding example of truthfulness, dedication and submission to the will of Allah (swt).

The story of his prophethood highlights the profound impact of divine revelation, transforming both individuals and societies. His leadership and message continue to inspire Muslims worldwide.

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