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What is salat al-Kusuf (solar eclipse prayer)?

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In a Nutshell:

Salat al-Kusuf, also known as the solar eclipse prayer, is a recommended (Sunnah) prayer performed by Muslims during a solar eclipse. It signifies submission to Allah's (swt) power and majesty as witnessed in this celestial phenomenon.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Analysis of Salat al-Kusuf
  • Misconceptions
  • Objections
  • FAQs: Salat al-Kusuf
  • Conclusion


Solar and lunar eclipses have captivated humanity for centuries. In Islam, these events are viewed as signs of Allah's (swt) immense power and control over the universe. Salat al-Kusuf, or the solar eclipse prayer, is a specific act of worship undertaken by Muslims in response to this awe-inspiring phenomenon.


Quranic Verses

While the Quran (swt) does not explicitly mention Salat al-Kusuf, several verses highlight Allah's (swt) dominion over celestial bodies:

Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of night and day and the ships that sail through the sea withwhat benefits mankind and the water Allah (swt) sends down from the sky and gives life therewith to the earth after it was dead and the creeping creatures of every kind that He has scattered throughout the earth and in the winds that He sends, veering between the heaven and the earth, are signs for those who understand. (Quran 2:164)

These verses remind us of the intricate order and design within Allah's (swt) creation, including the precise movements of celestial bodies.


Several hadiths narrate the Prophet's (pbuh) practice of performing Salat al-Kusuf upon witnessing a solar eclipse.

Sayyiduna Buraydah (ra) narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said, The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of the death of someone, so when you see them, pray until the eclipse is over. (Sahih al-Bukhari)

This hadith establishes the Prophet's (pbuh) Sunnah of performing a prayer during a solar eclipse.

Scholars' Opinions:

There is scholarly consensus (Ijma') that Salat al-Kusuf is a confirmed Sunnah. However, there is a minor difference of opinion regarding its timing. Some scholars recommend starting the prayer at the first sign of the eclipse, while others suggest waiting until a significant portion of the sun is obscured.

Salat al-Kusuf

Description of the Prayer

Salat al-Kusuf is a two-Rak'ah (unit of prayer) prayer similar to other Sunnah prayers. Each Rak'ah consists of a standing posture (Qiyam), recitation of Surat al-Fatihah and additional Quran verses, bowing (Ruku'), two prostrations (Sujud) and sitting posture (Qa'dah). It is recommended to recite longer portions of the Quran during the Rak'ahs compared to regular prayers.

When to perform the Prayer

The prayer can be performed any time during the eclipse, though some scholars recommend starting upon witnessing the first signs of the eclipse. It is permissible to continue praying until the eclipse subsides entirely.

Congregational vs. Individual Prayer

While there is no call to prayer (Adhan) for Salat al-Kusuf, Muslims can pray individually or in congregation. The Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have led the community in prayer during a solar eclipse.

Supplications During the Prayer

Muslims can recite specific supplications during the prayer, seeking forgiveness, mercy and Allah's (swt) protection from any harm associated with the eclipse. These supplications can be found in various authentic Islamic resources.


1. Salat al-Kusuf is obligatory for all Muslims.

While Salat al-Kusuf is a highly recommended Sunnah, it is not obligatory (Fard). Several hadiths emphasize the encouraged nature of the prayer.

Sayyidah Aisha (ra) narrated, The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) prayed during a solar eclipse. He stood up and lengthened the Qiyam (standing posture) considerably, then bowed and lengthened the Ruku' (bowing posture) considerably. Then he did likewise in the second Rak'ah. Then he prostrated and he lengthened the Sujud (prostration) considerably. Then he did likewise in the second Rak'ah. Then he sat down and delivered a sermon... (Sahih al-Bukhari)

This hadith describes the Prophet's (pbuh) extended prayer during a solar eclipse, highlighting its importance but not mandating it.

2. The prayer has magical properties to influence the eclipse.

Salat al-Kusuf is not a magical ritual to control the eclipse. It serves as an expression of humility and submission to Allah's (swt) power manifested in the celestial phenomenon.

Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas (ra) narrated, The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, 'The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of the death of someone, so when you see them, pray until the eclipse is over.' (Sahih al-Bukhari)

This hadith clarifies that the eclipse is a natural occurrence and the prayer is a response to witness Allah's (swt) control over the universe.

3. Why pray during a natural phenomenon? Isn't it Allah's will?

Salat al-Kusuf reinforces our recognition of Allah's (swt) power and sovereignty over the universe. It does not contradict the understanding that eclipses are natural occurrences guided by celestial laws established by Allah's (swt) will. It is an act of acknowledging and marveling at His magnificent creation.

4. Why isn't there a call to prayer (Adhan) for Salat al-Kusuf?

The lack of a formal call to prayer emphasizes the nature of Salat al-Kusuf as a recommended Sunnah prayer. It allows for flexibility and individual initiative in performing the prayer as soon as possible upon noticing the eclipse.

FAQs: Salat al-Kusuf

Can women perform Salat al-Kusuf?
Yes, women can and are encouraged to perform Salat al-Kusuf, ideally at home or in a private setting.

What if I miss the eclipse prayer?
As it is a Sunnah prayer, there is no obligation to make up for a missed Salat al-Kusuf. One may still seek Allah's forgiveness and blessings by performing voluntary prayers (Nafl).


Salat al-Kusuf serves as a powerful reminder of Allah's (swt) boundless power and control over the universe. By observing eclipses and performing this special prayer, we not only deepen our spiritual connection but also cultivate an awe of Allah's (swt) intricate design underlying all creation.

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