in category Food and Drink

Is it permitted or forbidden in Islam to deliver haram food or alcohol to Muslims?

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In a Nutshell: Delivering Haram Food or Alcohol to Muslims is Haram


The question of whether it is permissible for Muslims to deliver haram (forbidden) food or alcohol to fellow Muslims is increasingly relevant in today's globalized world, where Muslims are often employed in diverse sectors, including delivery services. This article aims to dissect the Islamic jurisprudence on this matter, providing a comprehensive and authoritative view

The Islamic Ruling: Unanimous Impermissibility of delivering haram food or alcohol to Muslims

Unlike the delivery of haram items to non-Muslims, where there is some disagreement among jurists, delivering haram food or alcohol to Muslims is unanimously considered impermissible in Islam. This ruling is derived from several foundational principles and texts within Islamic jurisprudence.

​​​​​​​Qur'anic Injunctions and Prophetic Traditions

  1. Direct Prohibition in the Qur'an: The Qur'an explicitly prohibits Muslims from consuming certain items like alcohol and pork (Qur'an 2:173, 5:90). The delivery of such items directly contradicts this command.

  2. Prophetic Narrations (Ahadith): Several hadiths explicitly prohibit involvement in the alcohol trade. For instance, a hadith in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim states, "Allah has cursed wine and he who drinks it, he who serves it, he who sells it, he who buys it, he who makes it, and he who has it made for him."

Islamic Legal Reasoning on Deliveries of Haram Food/Drink

  1. Facilitating Sin: Delivering haram items to Muslims is considered as aiding in sin. The principle derived from the hadith "Whoever leads to a good deed is like the one who does it, and whoever leads to a bad deed is like the one who does it" (Sahih Muslim) applies here.

  2. Closing the Doors to Evil (Sadd al-Dhara'i): Islamic jurisprudence emphasizes preemptively preventing actions that could lead to haram. Delivering such items to Muslims could facilitate sin.

  3. Guardianship of Islamic Morality (Hisbah): In Islamic governance, the concept of Hisbah involves promoting good and preventing evil within the Muslim community. Delivering haram items would contravene this principle.

Consensus Among Islamic Scholars on Deliveries of Haram Food/Drink

  1. Hanafi School: Even the more lenient Hanafi school, which allows some flexibility in transactions with non-Muslims, strictly prohibits such actions when it involves Muslims.

  2. Shafi'i, Maliki, and Hanbali Schools: These schools are more stringent and clearly forbid any involvement in the trade or facilitation of haram items to anyone, especially Muslims.

Contemporary Application and Ethical Considerations

  1. Modern Day Dilemmas: Muslims working in sectors like food delivery face ethical dilemmas. This article provides guidance for those seeking to adhere to Islamic principles while navigating their professional lives.

  2. Seeking Halal Alternatives: It's advisable for Muslims in such industries to seek alternatives that do not compromise their religious obligations, such as delivering halal food or non-alcoholic products.

  3. Community Responsibility: The Muslim community should support and provide viable economic alternatives for those who might face such dilemmas in their employment.


Delivering haram food or alcohol to Muslims is clearly prohibited in Islam. This ruling is grounded in the Qur'an, Hadith, and the unanimous consensus of Islamic scholars. Muslims are advised to seek employment that aligns with Islamic principles and contributes positively to their spiritual and communal well-being.

FAQs: Delivering Haram Food or Alcohol to Muslims in Islam

Q1: What constitutes 'haram' food in Islam?

In Islam, 'haram' refers to anything forbidden under Islamic law. This typically includes pork, alcohol, and any meat not slaughtered according to Islamic guidelines.

Q2: Why is delivering haram food or alcohol to Muslims prohibited?

It is prohibited as it involves directly facilitating a sin, which is against Islamic teachings. This is based on the principle of not aiding in sinful acts.

Q3: Are there any differences in opinion among Islamic scholars regarding this issue?

When it comes to delivering haram items to Muslims, there is a unanimous consensus among Islamic scholars that it is prohibited.

Q4: How should Muslims employed in delivery services deal with such situations?

Muslims in such situations should seek to deliver only permissible (halal) items and avoid jobs that require them to deliver haram products. Seeking advice from knowledgeable Islamic scholars is also advisable.

Q5: Does the Islamic prohibition extend to non-food haram items?

Yes, the prohibition extends to any item considered haram in Islam, not just food and drink.

Q6: Can Muslims deliver haram items if they are in financial hardship?

While financial hardship is a significant concern, Islamic law prioritises adherence to its rulings (ahkam). Muslims are encouraged to seek permissible means of earning a living, even in difficult circumstances.

Q7: Is there any leniency for Muslims who unknowingly deliver haram items?

Islamic jurisprudence does consider the intention and knowledge of the individual. Unknowingly delivering haram items may not hold the same level of accountability, but Muslims are encouraged to be vigilant and well-informed about their professional responsibilities.

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