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How is Islam different from Communism?

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In a Nutshell:

Islam and Communism, while both emphasizing social justice and community well-being, diverge fundamentally in their core beliefs, economic structures and social frameworks. Islam, rooted in divine revelation and guidance, promotes social justice through individual accountability and ethical economic practices. Communism, a materialist ideology, seeks to achieve social equality through class struggle and state control of resources.

Table of Contents

Background and Context
Analysis of How is Islam Different from Communism?
FAQs: How is Islam Different from Communism?


Islam and Communism are two influential ideologies that have shaped human history. Islam, a divinely revealed religion, offers a comprehensive guide for individual and societal life. Communism, a political and economic philosophy, emerged in response to perceived social inequalities. Though both emphasize social justice and collective well-being, a closer look reveals significant differences in their core beliefs, economic structures and approaches to social organization. This article delves into these key distinctions, providing a clear understanding of how Islam and Communism differ.

Background and Context

Before exploring the specific differences, defining key terms is crucial. Social justice refers to the fair distribution of resources and opportunities within a society. Private property signifies the right of individuals to own and control possessions. Authority denotes the source of legitimate power and decision-making within a social system.

Communism emerged in the 19th century as a response to the rise of industrial capitalism. Its proponents, like Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, believed that capitalism inevitably led to exploitation of the working class (proletariat) by the wealthy bourgeoisie (capitalist class). They advocated for a classless, egalitarian society achieved through revolution and state control of the means of production.

In contrast, Islam's concept of social justice has a long historical development. The Quran emphasizes the importance of helping those in need (Quran 2:177) and establishing social justice through fulfilling contracts (Quran 59:7). Prophetic traditions (hadiths) further emphasize caring for the poor and orphans, as well as fair trade practices. Islamic scholars like Ibn Khaldun explored the connection between economic disparity and social order, while Imam Ghazali highlighted the role of charity (zakat) in wealth distribution.

How is Islam Different from Communism?

Core Beliefs:

Islam is a monotheistic religion based on the oneness of God (Allah) and divine revelation through prophets, culminating in the Prophet Muhammad (saw).
Communism is a secular ideology with no concept of God. It views history through the lens of materialism and class struggle.

Economic Structure:

Islam allows private property ownership, but with social responsibility. Muslims are obligated to give charity (zakat) on specific wealth holdings and follow inheritance laws that ensure equitable distribution of wealth within families.
Communism advocates for the abolition of private property and the collective ownership of the means of production by the state.

Social Framework:

Islam promotes a hierarchical social structure based on knowledge, piety and righteousness. However, this hierarchy does not negate the inherent dignity and equality of all human beings before God.
Communism aims for a classless, egalitarian society where social distinctions based on wealth or birth are eliminated.


Islam views divine revelation through the Quran and Prophetic traditions (Sunnah) as the ultimate source of authority. Islamic law (Sharia) is derived from these sources.
Communism finds authority in the working class (proletariat), believing they will lead the revolution and establish a new social order.

FAQs: How is Islam Different from Communism?

Can a Muslim country adopt communist economic policies?Muslim countries have experimented with socialist or mixed economic models. However, adopting purely communist systems would conflict with Islam's recognition of private property and its emphasis on individual responsibility and ethical wealth management.

How can Muslims promote social justice in the modern world?Muslims can advocate for social justice through various means: supporting Islamic charities, promoting ethical business practices, fulfilling their personal obligations like zakat and engaging in social activism.


Islam and Communism, while sharing a concern for social justice, represent fundamentally different worldviews. Islam's divine foundation and focus on individual accountability contrast sharply with Communism's materialism and emphasis on class conflict. Islam allows private property with social responsibility, while Communism seeks collective ownership. Islam recognizes a degree of social hierarchy, while Communism strives for absolute egalitarianism. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for both Muslims and non-Muslims to gain a clearer perspective on complex global issues.

It is important to note that both Communism and Islam have evolved over time and various interpretations and applications exist within each framework. This exploration offers a basic understanding of their core philosophical differences, recognizing that real-world applications can involve complexities and nuances beyond the scope of this article.


Esposito, John L. (Ed.). (2003). The Oxford dictionary of Islam. Oxford University Press.
Lapidus, Ira M. (2014). A history of Islamic societies. Cambridge University Press.
Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich. (2002). The communist manifesto. Penguin Classics.

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