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Who was the Prophet Muhammad's best friend?

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In a Nutshell:

Prophet Muhammad (saw) did not explicitly name a best friend in the traditional sense. However, throughout his life, his closest companion and confidante was Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (ra), renowned for his unwavering faith, loyalty and unwavering support.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Who was the Prophet's Best Friend
  • Misconceptions
  • Conclusion


The Companions (Sahaba) of Prophet Muhammad (saw) played a pivotal role in the development and spread of Islam. They were the first generation of Muslims who witnessed the revelation of the Quran, embraced its message and actively participated in establishing the Islamic community.

Among these Companions, a unique bond existed between the Prophet (saw) and Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (ra). This answer explores the nature of their relationship and the reasons why Abu Bakr (ra) is considered Prophet's (saw) closest companion.


Several hadiths illustrate Prophet's (saw) trust and affection for Abu Bakr (ra). One narration reports:

Abu Bakr was the dearest of people to me after Khadija (ra).(Sahih Bukhari)

This hadith indicates the special place Abu Bakr (ra) held in Prophet's (saw) life. Historical accounts document their close relationship. Notably, Abu Bakr (ra) was the first male to accept Islam and remained a constant source of support during the challenging Meccan period. Prominent Islamic scholars have also acknowledged the unique bond between Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Abu Bakr (ra). Imam Ibn Kathir states:

Abu Bakr (ra) was the closest companion to the Prophet (saw) in life and death.(Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah)

These evidences, together with the historical record, paint a clear picture of the exceptional closeness between the Prophet (saw) and Abu Bakr (ra).

Who was the Prophet's Best Friend

The concept of best friend in Islamic tradition may differ slightly from modern interpretations. Friendship in Islam is rooted in shared faith and commitment to Allah (swt).

The Prophet (saw) fostered strong bonds with many Companions, each relationship serving a specific purpose. However, Abu Bakr's (ra) unwavering faith, unwavering loyalty and his role as a trusted advisor solidified their unique connection.

Qualities of Abu Bakr (ra) that strengthened their bond:

  • Unwavering Faith: Abu Bakr (ra) readily accepted the Prophet's (saw) message without hesitation, demonstrating his strong belief in Islam.
  • Financial and Emotional Support: Abu Bakr (ra) used his wealth to support the fledgling Muslim community and provided emotional encouragement during difficult times.
  • Trusted Advisor and Confidante: Prophet (saw) valued Abu Bakr's (ra) wisdom and judgment, seeking his counsel on critical matters.

Examples of their close collaboration:

  • Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr): Abu Bakr (ra) accompanied Prophet Muhammad (saw) during this momentous event, signifying their shared spiritual journey.
  • Hijra (Migration to Madinah): Abu Bakr (ra) played a crucial role in planning and executing the Prophet's (saw) migration to Madinah, demonstrating his unwavering support.
  • Establishing the Islamic Community in Madinah: Abu Bakr (ra) actively participated in building the Muslim community in Madinah, collaborating with Prophet Muhammad (saw) on social, political and religious matters.

These instances highlight the depth and multifaceted nature of their relationship, extending beyond mere friendship to a partnership grounded in faith and mutual trust.


There are a few common misconceptions surrounding the relationship between Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Abu Bakr (ra). Here we address two of the most prominent ones:

Prophet (saw) Having Only One Friend:

Islam emphasizes the importance of fostering strong relationships with fellow believers. Prophet Muhammad (saw) undoubtedly had many close companions who played vital roles in the development of Islam. Abu Bakr's (ra) unique qualities and unwavering support simply placed him at the forefront of this circle.

Best Friend Being Identical to Modern Interpretations:

The concept of best friend in modern society often implies exclusivity. However, Islamic friendship is built upon a foundation of shared faith and obedience to Allah (swt). Prophet Muhammad (saw) nurtured strong bonds with many Companions, each fulfilling a specific role within the Muslim community. The closeness with Abu Bakr (ra) stemmed from his exceptional qualities and unwavering support throughout Prophet's (saw) life.

Arguments Suggesting Other Companions Were Closer Confidantes:

There is no denying that Prophet Muhammad (saw) had close relationships with other Companions, such as Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) and Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra). Each companion possessed unique strengths and played vital roles in the development of Islam.

However, historical accounts consistently portray Abu Bakr's (ra) unwavering support and presence throughout the Prophet's (saw) life. His unwavering faith during the challenging Meccan period, his financial and emotional support and his role as a trusted advisor solidify his position as the Prophet's (saw) closest companion.

Debates about the Historical Accuracy of Certain Narratives:

Some scholars have raised questions about the historical accuracy of specific narrations regarding Prophet's (saw) relationship with Abu Bakr (ra). These debates usually center on the authenticity of certain hadith reports.


The relationship between Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (ra) provides a profound example of brotherhood, companionship and unwavering support in the cause of Islam.

Abu Bakr's (ra) unwavering faith, loyalty, wisdom and unwavering sacrifice earned him a special place in the Prophet's (saw) life and continue to inspire Muslims today.

The legacy of their friendship emphasizes the virtues of loyalty, trust and unwavering support that form the basis of strong and meaningful relationships within the Islamic community. Muslims can strive to emulate these qualities, cultivating bonds rooted in shared faith and commitment to serving Allah (swt).

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