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Who was the Prophet Muhammad's adopted son?

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In a Nutshell:

Prophet Muhammad's adopted son was Zayd ibn Haritha, a former slave who became a beloved family member and loyal companion. Their relationship challenged the social norms of pre-Islamic Arabia and held significant meaning in Islamic teachings on brotherhood, equality and overcoming social hierarchies.


The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) established a unique and powerful relationship with Zayd ibn Haritha, a young man who entered his life as a slave. This relationship transcended the social hierarchies of pre-Islamic Arabia and became a cornerstone of Islamic teachings on brotherhood, equality and building strong family bonds. This answer explores the story of Zayd, examining the historical context, relevant Islamic evidences and the enduring significance of the Prophet's (pbuh) actions.


Quranic Verses on Brotherhood and Equality

Islam emphasizes the importance of brotherhood and equality among believers. The Quran (swt) declares that piety, not social status, determines a person's worth (Surah Al-Hujurat 49:13). This message is further emphasized in verses promoting unity and kinship amongst Muslims (Surah Al-Hujurat 49:10).

The believers are but brothers, so reconcile between your brothers and fear Allah that you may receive mercy.(Quran 49:10)

Hadiths on Zayd's Adoption

The Prophet's (pbuh) actions reflected the Quranic emphasis on brotherhood. Several hadiths narrate the adoption of Zayd, emphasizing the new familial bond.

Sahih Bukhari records a narration where the Prophet (pbuh) declares, Zayd is indeed my son and I am his father.(Sahih Bukhari, Book of Virtues and Manners)

Companions' Opinions on Zayd's Status

The Prophet's (pbuh) companions (ra) recognized Zayd's elevated status as a son. They addressed him as Zayd ibn Muhammad acknowledging his position within the Prophet's (pbuh) family.

Scholarly Views on Adoption and Family in Islam

Islamic scholars throughout history have acknowledged the Prophet's (pbuh) adoption of Zayd as a precedent for fostering kinship through adoption. While some scholars discuss a later abrogation of specific adoption practices, the core message of honoring adopted children remains.

Prophet Muhammad's Relationship with Zayd

The Prophet's (pbuh) relationship with Zayd challenged the social norms of pre-Islamic Arabia, where slavery was prevalent. By adopting Zayd, the Prophet (pbuh) elevated his former slave to the status of a son, demonstrating the importance of equality and respect in Islam.

Social Impact of Adoption - Challenging Stigmas

The adoption disrupted the established social order, dismantling the stigma associated with former slaves. Zayd became a respected member of the Prophet's (pbuh) household and his story served as a powerful example for Muslims to treat all believers with dignity.

Zayd's Role as a Loyal Companion and Military Leader

Zayd's position as an adopted son did not diminish his role as a trusted companion and military leader. The Prophet (pbuh) entrusted Zayd with important military campaigns, highlighting his capabilities and leadership skills.

The Marriage of Zaynab bint Jahsh and its Significance

The Prophet's (pbuh) arrangement of Zayd's marriage to Zaynab bint Jahsh further challenged societal expectations. This union defied the notion of social status as a barrier to marriage within the Muslim community.

Debates on the Abrogation of Adoption in Islam

Some scholars discuss verses in the Quran (swt) that address adoption practices. These verses are interpreted by some as indicating an abrogation of specific adoption customs. However, the core message of honoring and caring for adopted children remains a valid principle in Islamic jurisprudence.

Background and Context

To fully understand the significance of Zayd's adoption by the Prophet (pbuh), it's essential to examine the historical context of pre-Islamic Arabia.

Pre-Islamic Arabia and Slavery

Slavery was an accepted practice in Arabia during the Prophet's (pbuh) time. Slaves endured harsh conditions and lacked social rights, often treated as mere property. Social status was determined by lineage and tribe.

Zayd ibn Haritha's Early Life

Zayd ibn Haritha was born into a tribe of Kalb and kidnapped as a child. He was eventually sold as a slave at a market in Ukkaz, where Khadija bint Khuwaylid (ra) purchased him as a gift for her husband, the Prophet (pbuh).

Adoption in Arabia

Adoption practiced in pre-Islamic Arabia aimed to strengthen alliances and social standing. Adoptees often retained their original lineage and could inherit from their birth family. However, it rarely involved a slave being elevated to the status of a son.


Several misunderstandings exist regarding Zayd's adoption and its implications within Islamic law.

Adoption in Islam is forbidden.

While legal adoption practices in contemporary Islamic law differ from the Prophet's (pbuh) actions, Islam encourages taking care of orphans and fostering a sense of family. Legal adoption in some interpretations is permissible under specific conditions.

Zayd's adoption aimed to exploit him.

The Prophet's (pbuh) adoption of Zayd aimed to elevate and honor him. Zayd enjoyed freedom, respect and a privileged position within the Prophet's (pbuh) family.

The marriage of Zaynab to Zayd raises questions about Muhammad's motives.

Critics might claim the Prophet (pbuh) sought to marry Zaynab but arranged her marriage to Zayd in anticipation of a future divorce. The Quran (swt) addresses this objection, emphasizing the Prophet's (pbuh) sincere intentions in promoting equality and breaking social taboos (Surah Al-Ahzab 33:37).

Abrogation of adoption contradicts the universality of the Quranic message.

Some suggest the abrogation of certain adoption practices undermines the Quran's (swt) intended timelessness. However, abrogation aimed to clarify familial relationships and prevent potential social confusion arising from blurring lineage in the evolving Muslim society.


What happened to Zayd after the marriage with Zaynab ended?

Zayd ibn Haritha continued to serve the Prophet (pbuh) loyally, leading several military campaigns. He heroically died in the Battle of Mu'tah, becoming a revered martyr in Islamic history.

Does Islam still allow adoption in some form?

While Islam has specific guidelines on lineage and inheritance, encouraging the care of orphans and fostering strong family bonds remains a central Islamic principle. Some Islamic scholars advocate for adoption forms that uphold the child's identity and respect their biological heritage.

Why did the Prophet (pbuh) adopt Zayd if certain adoption practices were later abrogated?

The Prophet's (pbuh) actions were context-specific, intended to dismantle harmful social norms in early Islamic society. His adoption of Zayd aimed to establish a precedent of equality and brotherhood in Islam, even if specific legal aspects changed later.

How did Zayd's adoption challenge the social norms of his time?

Zayd's adoption as a son by the Prophet (pbuh) directly confronted the prevalent practices of slavery and social hierarchies based on lineage. It demonstrated that piety and character superseded social status within the Islamic community.


The story of the Prophet's (pbuh) adopted son, Zayd ibn Haritha, is a powerful testament to Islam's revolutionary message of equality and brotherhood. By adopting a former slave and elevating him to the status of a beloved son, the Prophet (pbuh) challenged deep-rooted societal prejudices. Zayd's life, from his initial enslavement to his heroic martyrdom, exemplifies resilience, devotion and the transformative power of Islamic principles.

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