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Who was the Prophet Muhammad's father?

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In a Nutshell:

Prophet Muhammad's (saw) father was Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib, a respected merchant from the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. He passed away young, even before Prophet Muhammad's (saw) birth, leaving him an orphan.

Table of Contents

Background and Context
Analysis of Who was the Prophet Muhammad's Father?
FAQs: Prophet Muhammad's Father


Knowing the lineage of Prophet Muhammad (saw) holds significance for Muslims as it establishes his ancestry and his place within the Arab tribal structure. In Arab society at the time, family and lineage were highly important factors determining social standing and respect.



Several hadiths mention Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib and his passing before Prophet Muhammad's (saw) birth. Here's one narrated by Sahih al-Bukhari:

Narrated by 'Aisha (ra): The Prophet (saw) said, My father, Abdullah, died while my mother was pregnant with me and my mother died when I was six years old. Then my grandfather, Abd Al-Muttalib, took me under his care until he died when I was eight years old. Then, my uncle Abu Talib, took me under his care. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 60, Hadith 470)

Early Islamic Historical Accounts

Early Islamic historical accounts, including the works of Ibn Ishaq and Ibn Sa'd, consistently mention Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib as the father of Prophet Muhammad (saw). These accounts detail the lineage of the Prophet (saw) tracing it back to Prophet Abraham (as).

Who was the Prophet Muhammad's Father?

Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib's death before Prophet Muhammad's (saw) birth led to the Prophet (saw) experiencing orphanhood at a young age. This experience likely shaped his character and empathy for the vulnerable. Despite the absence of his father, Prophet Muhammad (saw) was raised by his grandfather and uncle, Abd al-Muttalib and Abu Talib (ra) respectively.

Scholars view Abdullah's lineage as significant in establishing Prophet Muhammad's (saw) place within the Quraysh tribe, a position that would later hold importance during his mission as a prophet. However, the emphasis lies not on worldly status but on the continuation of the Abrahamic tradition of monotheism.

Background and Context

Understanding Prophet Muhammad's (saw) family background sheds light on the social and economic environment of his early life. Mecca, his birthplace, was a significant trading center in pre-Islamic Arabia. The Quraysh tribe, to which Prophet Muhammad (saw) belonged, held a prominent position in Meccan society due to their control over the Kaaba, a sacred sanctuary revered by Arabs.

Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib, Prophet Muhammad's (saw) father, was a merchant involved in the lucrative trade routes of the region. Though details about his specific wealth vary in historical accounts, it's safe to say he belonged to a respected and comfortable stratum of Meccan society.

However, tragedy struck when Abdullah (ra) passed away while Prophet Muhammad's (saw) mother, Aminah (ra), was still pregnant. This left the Prophet (saw) an orphan before he was even born. The responsibility of raising him then fell upon his grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib (ra), who held a position of leadership within the Quraysh tribe.

FAQs: Prophet Muhammad's Father

What do we know about Abdullah's character and personality?

Unfortunately, there's limited information available about Abdullah's (ra) specific character traits. However, considering the respect he commanded within the Quraysh tribe and his involvement in trade, we can infer that he possessed qualities like honesty, integrity and good business acumen.

Did Abdullah have any other children besides Prophet Muhammad (saw)?

There is no definitive historical record of Abdullah (ra) having other children. Some accounts mention the possibility of a half-sister, but the evidence remains inconclusive.


Prophet Muhammad (saw) was raised by his father.

This is inaccurate, as Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib passed away before Prophet Muhammad's (saw) birth. The Prophet (saw) was raised by his grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib (ra) and later by his uncle, Abu Talib (ra).

Abdullah's death was a punishment for some wrongdoing.

Some narratives mistakenly suggest that Abdullah's death served as a form of punishment or consequence for a prior misdeed. Islamic scholarship firmly rejects this notion. Death is an inherent part of human existence and the timing of Abdullah's passing is part of the divine plan.


How can a prophet be born into an ordinary family?

Muslims believe prophets are chosen by Allah (swt), regardless of their lineage or social status. In fact, many of Allah's (swt) prophets came from humble backgrounds, demonstrating that it is one's piety and dedication to His message that truly matters.

Does Abdullah's lineage hold any special importance?

Abdullah's lineage carries importance as it establishes Prophet Muhammad's (saw) place within the Abrahamic tradition, connecting him to notable figures in monotheistic history. However, Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad's (saw) distinction primarily stems from his role as Allah's (swt) final messenger and the exemplary personification of Islamic values.


Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib, though his life was tragically short, played a crucial role in Islamic history as the father of Prophet Muhammad (saw). His passing before the Prophet's (saw) birth shaped the early experiences of the future messenger of Allah (swt), fostering a deep sense of empathy and resilience.

Islam emphasizes that true nobility stems from one's piety and character rather than lineage or social standing. Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib is remembered not merely because of his connection to the Prophet (saw), but also because he was part of a lineage dedicated to the preservation of monotheism in a polytheistic environment.


Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad
Ibn Sa'd, Al-Tabaqat al-Kabir

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