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Who was the Prophet Muhammad's Grandfather?

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In a Nutshell:

Prophet Muhammad's (saw) grandfather was Abd al-Muttalib, a revered leader of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. He played a pivotal role in raising the Prophet (saw) after his father's death, ensuring his well-being during his early childhood.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Abd al-Muttalib: The Prophet's Grandfather
  • Evidences
  • The Prophet's (saw) Grandfather
  • FAQs: Prophet Muhammad's (saw) Grandfather
  • Conclusion


Lineage holds a significant place in Islamic tradition, tracing the ancestry of prophets and messengers back to Prophet Adam (ra). The Prophet's (saw) lineage is particularly noteworthy, with a direct line of descent from Prophet Abraham (ra) through his son Ishmael (ra). Understanding his ancestry provides valuable context for his life and mission.


The Quran itself does not delve into details of Abd al-Muttalib's life, as its primary focus is on conveying the message of Islam revealed to the Prophet (saw). However, Hadiths illuminate Abd al-Muttalib's role in the Prophet's (saw) upbringing.

For instance, Sahih al-Bukhari narrates a famous incident where Abd al-Muttalib named the newborn Prophet (saw) as Muhammad (saw) based on a vision [1]. This act highlights Abd al-Muttalib's (ra) involvement in the Prophet's (saw) early life.

Historical accounts by Ibn Ishaq and Ibn Sa'd further detail Abd al-Muttalib's (ra) life and leadership within the Quraysh tribe [2, 3].

Prophet Muhammad's (saw) Grandfather

Abd al-Muttalib's (ra) influence on the Prophet's (saw) life is undeniable. He assumed responsibility for the young orphan Muhammad (saw) after his father's death, ensuring his well-being and safety. This act of compassion and dedication undoubtedly shaped the Prophet's (saw) character and instilled in him a strong sense of family and responsibility.

Furthermore, Abd al-Muttalib's (ra) role as custodian of the Kaaba exposed the Prophet (saw) to the spiritual and religious center of Mecca at a young age. This early exposure likely fostered the Prophet's (saw) deep reverence for the Kaaba and the Abrahamic tradition it represented.

The concept of divine providence also plays a role in understanding Abd al-Muttalib's (ra) significance. The Prophet's (saw) lineage, specifically his descent from Prophet Ishmael (ra), is seen as part of a larger plan for the zuhur - zuhur meaning manifestation or appearance - of the final Prophet (saw). In this way, Abd al-Muttalib's (ra) role as the Prophet's (saw) grandfather can be viewed as a crucial link in the chain of prophetic history.

FAQs: Prophet Muhammad's (saw) Grandfather

What does Abd al-Muttalib's name mean?
His name translates to Servant of Muttalib, where Muttalib was the name of his uncle.

Did Abd al-Muttalib have other children?
Yes, Abd al-Muttalib had several sons, some of his notable sons include Abu Talib (the Prophet's uncle and guardian), Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib (a companion of the Prophet) and Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib (a prominent ancestor of the Abbasid Caliphate).

What happened to Abd al-Muttalib?
Abd al-Muttalib passed away around the year 578 CE in Mecca. His death was a significant loss for the young Prophet (saw), who was around eight years old at the time.

Are there any shrines or monuments dedicated to Abd al-Muttalib?
Islam strictly prohibits the veneration of individuals or the construction of shrines over graves. This emphasis on Tawhid (the oneness of Allah) prevents any form of idolatry or associating any being with Allah (swt).

How can I learn more about Abd al-Muttalib?
You can find credible information by reading classical Islamic biographies and historical accounts such as Sirah Rasul Allah by Ibn Ishaq and Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kubra by Ibn Sa'd.


Abd al-Muttalib, the grandfather of the Prophet (saw), played a significant role in the Prophet's (saw) formative years. Despite not converting to Islam himself, he provided the Prophet (saw) with love, protection and a strong foundation during his childhood. Abd al-Muttalib's (ra) position as a leader of the Quraysh tribe and custodian of the Kaaba exposed the Prophet (saw) to the Abrahamic tradition and the religious significance of Mecca.


  • Ibn Ishaq, Sirah Rasul Allah (The Life of the Messenger of Allah)
  • Ibn Sa'd, Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kubra (The Great Book of Classes)

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