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What is more Important, Quran or hadith?

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In a Nutshell:

The Quran and Hadith are both foundational sources of Islam, but they serve distinct purposes. The Quran is the literal word of God revealed to Prophet Muhammad (saw). Hadith are the Prophet's (saw) sayings and actions, which together provide a comprehensive framework for Islamic belief and practice.

Table of Contents

Background and Context
Analysis of What is More Important, Quran or Hadith?
Misconceptions about Quran and Hadith
Objections to the Importance of Hadith
FAQs about Quran and Hadith


Muslims revere both the Quran and Hadith as sources of guidance. However, understanding the nature and relationship between these two sources is crucial for proper understanding and practice of Islam. This answer explores the importance of each source and clarifies why they are best understood as complementary, not competing, revelations.


Quranic Emphasis on Following the Prophet (saw):

The Quran emphasizes the importance of following the Prophet's (saw) example:

You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for whoever hopes in Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah often. (Quran 33:21)
Say [O Muhammad], 'Obey Allah and the Messenger. But if you turn away - then indeed, Allah does not love the disbelievers.' (Quran 48:17)

These verses establish Prophet Muhammad's (saw) teachings and actions as a source of guidance alongside the Quran.

Hadith Highlighting the Importance of the Quran:

Several Hadith reiterate the importance of the Quran:

Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, The best of speech is the ???? ???? ( ???? Allah - Word of God) [i.e., the Quran] and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (saw). (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith no. 6507)
Prophet Muhammad (saw) also said, Hold fast to the Quran and the Sunnah of the righteous Caliph (successor) guided by Allah. (Jami' at-Tirmidhi, Hadith no. 2616)

These Hadith demonstrate the Prophet's (saw) emphasis on the Quran as the foundation of Islamic knowledge.

Scholarly Opinions on the Quran and Hadith:

Prominent Islamic scholars throughout history have emphasized the complementary nature of the Quran and Hadith.

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) stated, The way of the saved sect is following the Quran and the Sunnah (practice of the Prophet saw) together, without separating one from the other.

Imam Ghazali (rahimahullah) said, The understanding of the Quran necessitates the understanding of the Sunnah and the verification of the Sunnah necessitates the understanding of the Quran.

These scholarly opinions highlight the interconnectedness of the Quran and Hadith in Islamic practice.

What is More Important, Quran or Hadith?

Why the Quran Is Considered the Primary Source:

Divine Origin and Inimitability:The Quran is believed to be the direct word of God (swt) revealed to Prophet Muhammad (saw). Muslims believe the Quran is inimitable in its eloquence, language and divine message.
Universal and Timeless Message:The Quran provides a core set of principles and guidance that are universal and timeless. It addresses fundamental aspects of faith, ethics and social organization.

Why Hadith are Essential for Understanding and Implementing the Quran

Practical Application:The Quran often provides broad principles that require further explanation and examples for their practical application in daily life. Hadith provide detailed guidance on how to pray, give charity, conduct business transactions and fulfill other aspects of Islamic law.
Prophetic Interpretation:The Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the first to implement and understand the Quran. His actions and sayings recorded in Hadith illuminate the deeper meanings and contexts of the Quranic verses.

Scholarly Debates and Authentication:

Islamic history is rich with scholarly debates and discussions on the authenticity and interpretation of different Hadith. This process involved the development of meticulous criteria and sciences of Hadith transmission and verification, ensuring that only authentic and reliable Hadith are preserved.

Misconceptions about Quran and Hadith

Misconception: The Quran contradicts Hadith. Genuine Hadith will always be compatible with the Quran's message. Any apparent discrepancy often relates to misinterpretations of either the Quran or Hadith, or the use of unverified Hadith.

Misconception: Only the Quran is needed, Hadith are optional.Hadith provide essential details and context that are crucial for a complete understanding of the faith, Islamic law and practice.

Misconception: All Hadith are equally authentic.Due to the meticulous transmission process, the science of Hadith grading allows us to differentiate between authentic and less reliable narrations.

Misconception: Following Hadith is a form of worshipping the Prophet (saw).Muslims follow the Prophet's teachings (saw) out of respect and love for God's (swt) messenger and as a means for attaining God's pleasure.

Objections to the Importance of Hadith

Objection: Hadith compilations were written centuries after the Prophet's death, raising questions about accuracy.The science of Hadith transmission (isnad) includes rigorous checks for verifying the chain of narrators, ensuring the preservation of the Prophet's (saw) teachings.

Objection: Some Hadith seem to contradict modern values or scientific knowledge.Proper Hadith interpretation considers historical context, specific circumstances and potential weaknesses in the chain of narration.

FAQs about the Quran and Hadith

How can we ensure we are following authentic Hadith?Consult reliable Hadith collections like Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, which are known for their rigorous authentication standards.

What happens if there seems to be a discrepancy between Quran and Hadith?Seek guidance from qualified Islamic scholars who can analyze the specific context and evidence.

Can new interpretations of the Quran and Hadith emerge in different times?Yes, qualified Islamic scholars can engage in continuous interpretation (ijtihad) while staying true to the Quran's core principles.

Do different Islamic schools of thought have different approaches to Hadith?Yes, variations exist in emphasis on specific Hadith collections or interpretations.


Both the Quran and Hadith are essential foundations of Islamic faith and practice. The Quran provides the immutable divine message and core principles, while Hadith offer practical guidance and insights into the Prophet's (saw) life and understanding of the Quran. Misconceptions and objections about the role of Hadith can be addressed by relying on verified narrations and seeking qualified scholarly opinions. Both sources are essential for a holistic understanding and practice of Islam.


Ghazali, Al-Mustasfa min 'ilm al-Usul
Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmu' al-Fatawa
Sahih al-Bukhari

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